Platforms, Love It or Not?

(Plastic Island Jacket, Zara Jean, H&M blouse, Jeffrey Campbell Lita Boot, Thrift Vintage Bag , H&M Leopard belt, Emilio Pucci Sunglasses)

There is a article in Vogue February issue, talking about head over heels.

It say Manolo Blahnik is not into sky-scraping platforms. “ I always did pretty shoes, well, actually in the seventies I tried to do a horrible platform, but I never liked that kind of look, When I see shoes that are more like furniture, I really get sick! How can women wear this stuff?”

After reading those, I kind of feel bad that I have been buying many platforms recently. But after a while, I think I still like my platforms. I remember before I buy those platform shoes, my husband hates them, he said why women like those chucky heavy shoes, but after couple times seeing me wear them, he told me one day very seriously: actually, I like to see those platforms on you, it’s not as bad as I thought…

After Chanel S2011 RTW show, I obsessed the flatforms trend, I think I am going to get one for sure, what about you? Platforms or flatforms, yes or not?

18 thoughts on “Platforms, Love It or Not?

  1. 我还是喜欢水台高跟鞋,刚开始确实挺难接受的,觉得笨笨的,不够精致,,现在越看越喜欢,大概接受新事物都有一个过程。

  2. 能显得挺拔的鞋鞋就是好看滴~~~~管他是高跟水台还是平底水台呢


  3. 恩。。还好吧,不算是太喜欢,感觉很笨重,但是,对于矮个子来讲倒有实用性吧

  4. 记得大学时有段时间风靡过厚底鞋,也尝试有穿过,但是也没少跌过.

  5. 来啦。太想RB啦.不知Hallie忘记我没有.说笑啦..Hallie这身打扮很好看.把外套这样搭配起来简单漂亮的,厉害..不知以前Hallie过新年会穿什么衣服的呢?哈.真想看你以前的照片…

  6. 这意思是今年厚底鞋又流行回来了吗?太好了,最喜欢这样的鞋了.适合我这矮小身材…

  7. 我上个周末逛街, 走了三小时, 就是穿着那双JC 的LITA逛的, 跟我穿平底逛街一样, 没有特别累呢. 呵呵, 不过有些高跟鞋, 就是只能坐着看, 走多了就痛的那种….比如我新买的Miu Miu 的那双黑色的高跟鞋, 就是只能穿着走最多20分钟的那种.

  8. 当然想你们啦, 不过知道你们过年过节的, 都是休息的休息, 忙的忙, 能有时间坐在电脑前浏览网站的时间肯定不多.
    我以前过年会穿什么衣服? 一般都是新衣服吧, 呵呵, 红色的较多, 以前的过节的相片我记得大多都是在花圃边照的. 呵呵, 好老土的.

  9. 啊? 那证明我驾驭有点高度的鞋子还是有历史起源的, 因为以前穿这种鞋子的时候没挨跌过, 呵呵….

  10. 原来我也感觉特别笨重, 但是现在穿穿了, 习惯了, 也越来越喜欢了. ^^, 而且我正是属于小个子类型.

  11. 哈哈, 财_眯别老盯 沙发啦, 每次你们来我都特别高兴. 不管是什么时候啦…

  12. 呵呵, 这道理不错啊, 跟管他黑猫白猫抓到老鼠就是好猫的道理一样. ^^

  13. 呵呵,,,是很熟悉哦, 也许这也是我喜欢的原因吧, 看到这些就想家了.

  14. 因为和你一样个子不高,所以我也经常穿水台高跟鞋,只是没你的水台高,呵呵!

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