We celebrated the Fourth of July with our friends as guests at Wilshire Country Club — GREAT fireworks, and a massive buffet picnic dinner, and lots of animals for the kids to play with. Red Bear acted like a non-stop wild horse! It’s so hard to take really good pictures at the same time have to taking good care of him, and trying to enjoy the party all at the same time! My feeling? I was lucky that I was wearing flats!
Play, Eat, Fireworks
22 thoughts on “Play, Eat, Fireworks”
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lovely pics *_*
How festive! It looks like so much fun!
Hi Hallieeee!! This looks simply awesome! I really want to spend 4th of July in America once, I’m sure it’s an unforgettable experience with all these flags and the people and the firework! WOW! I’m getting as excited as a 7 year old child with fireworks! I stare at them openmouthed lol
Oh yes, flats are essential at days like that! You look really pretty! Your American outfit is sooo cute and kinda navy, right? The striped dress is adorable and I’m loving the flower broock and the straw hat! From head to toe, it’s a perfect festive outfit!
And so is Red Bear’s outfit hahah! He is too americanically dressed, does that even make sense? LOL!
He is a cutie <3 And I see that he met new people, didn't he? This red haired girl is so sweet 
I'm off to sleep 
I'm glad you had an awesome time with your family, Hallie!
Kisseees!! Good day to you!
OMG beuatiful photos
wow I’m sure red bear have so much fun on that day! who’s lil girl sitting with red bear? :p and you look so adorable in black and white stripes dress 

and happy 4th of July! haha I wish someday I can joined it, it seems Great event!
look very festive and fun!!! and that rabbit is ginormous!
great photos! a random question- do you feel obligated to update your blog everyday because of its name: hallie “daily”? hehe such a clever name.
hehehe,,,,in the beginning, I got the name because of the sound, now, I don’t care if it’s “daily” or not anymore, lol…
玩上一天, 要死人的啦, 哈哈, 我们只是六点钟去的, 9点钟烟火, 所以也就只是3个半小时, 但是也累得够呛.
hahaah,,,seriouly, that day, I was talking to my hubby and said I feel so sorry to those animals, and my hubby agreed, ,…
The girl is daughter of one friend’s, she is so sweet, before she came to the party, she prepare a gift to Red Bear, and they so like each other:)
呵呵, 是啊, 不过好象年年都差不多, 没啥新意, 小朋友就喜欢了, 我明年可想玩点别的花样了:)
Oh, don’t worry, I believe you will can spend the 4th many times later, in another side, I haven’t have a chance to spend Greece holiday there!
I wish one day too!!!
About the fire work, Red Bear was scare in the beginning, and he kept saying no, no , no,,,,hahaha,,,,then next day, he said, we will go see fire work again! lol…
little funny thing:) He and the red hair girl (daughter of one friend’s), they are so lick each other, every time they are together, all about sweet and fun:)
Kisses….and love..
哈哈, 可供逗玩的不伤人的兔子:)
我在寧波也有去慶祝呢!! 哈哈, 只是常去的酒吧有個America Day的BBQ, 過2天就回家了到時可以寫博客!
現在如果想看的話也可以去我在國內開通的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1724686713
你到宁波玩得一定很开心吧:) 我也替你开心呢:) 我们的PARTY年年都如此, 我都厌了, 明年我去宁波和你过怎样:)
祝HALLIE 天天好心情!
就是, 时间过得飞快!祝Daisy避暑开心啊:)