I bought this skirt few months ago, didn’t really have a chance to wear it. Or I wasn’t sure if I should hem it or not, or I didn’t have any idea how to wear it. This day, I tried to wear with a short top, and wear it with Lita, so that it wouldn’t touch the floor when I walking:) And in another side, made my legs look much longer.
I am start editing the pictures from 4th of July celebration, I hope can show you soon:)
Asos Maxi Skirt
Vintage top and bag and Cuff
Zara Sunglasses
Jeffrey Campbell Lita Shoes
your skirt is a masterpiece *_*
Wow, this skirt is amazing as well as ur curriculum, girl ur on fire!!
Love ur style and everything about ur site so now im a follower
Kisses from mexico and dont forget to visit me and let me know what u think!
Yes, so I keep the rest simple:D
WOW!!! This is probably one of the most beautiful skirts I’ve ever seen! Especially in the first picture it looks dreamy! WOW! It’s such a pity I can’t wear maxis, or at least I don’t like them on me. I think they make me look even more short and that’s definitely not good hahah!
Anyway, as I said it’s beautiful! The color is oh so gorgeous! And I like that you kept everything else simple. It’s exactly what this beauty needed
The top is so amazing, look at this cute lace collar! Oh I’m in love hahah <3
I owe you <3
You're amazing! Seriously, you have taught me so many when it comes to my style and thanks to you I've improved and I've found the guts to wear pieces that I wouldn't otherwise wear. Thank you! Honestly!
Take care and kisses to Red Bear! Can't wait to see the pics from the 4th
Oh my…I loooove this look. The skirt is so beautiful! You look amazing as always!
And you taught me how to be nice to every one we like, and make more friends around the world:) thank you too!!!
Such a beautiful purse and cute little boy!
Thanks dear, do you mind to give me a link of your site?
OMG gorgeous maxi dress!! red bear look so cute too!
have a great day for you and your family
Hi Hallie, I’m fairly new to your blog but just wanted to say that I love your skirt! The color is perfect for summer and you look fabulous!
oh my..that beauty of a skirt!! gaahh….and red bear just keeps getting cuter!
呵呵,还好啦,不过他不学习的, 所以每次都是我让他这样拍那样拍.有时候还埋怨他不学习新技术啥的, 哈哈....
我倒是羡慕你可以留刘海呢, 我剪刘海就难看死了,呵呵.
That skirt is fabulous, perfect on you!! Gorgeous color
Live Life in Style
对啊, 当时就是看上了这领子才买的这小上衣呢.
We should add words into your entry that say ‘swoosh’ and ‘swish!’. The asos skirt looks stunning on you- I love how you can see the light coming through.
Can I have it once you are done wearing it? HAHAHA
Oh my dear God… One day you’ll kill me with your stunning looks and amazing skirts! These pictures are more then beautiful and sorry, but your baby boy stole the show!

Leaving now this blog deeply inspired!
amazing colour n I love the way u combine pieces.. Orange is so upcoming for the next summer also so it seems a good investment (:
Hello, dear! That skirt is epic. I really like how you’ve worn it with the vintage sweater. It’s what makes the outfit stand-out! Such a sweet color with the bold pink.
Van C. of The Clothes We Wear
Wearing motherhood with style.
也是, 拉刘海还是比较容易的, 呵呵,其实也不用上药水啊, 如果有直发器就可以自己在家拉, 出门的时候弄弄就行.
Yes, I think the vintage sweater is perfect match for that skirt:)
长裙穿好了, 很容易穿出仙子的效果呢:) 就是走路的时候要小心就是了, 哈哈.
呵呵, 亲爱的, 一般已经第一次留言或很久没有留言的朋友再留言, 系统会自动保存你的留言在后台被我看过后才能发表的, 所以亲爱的如果第一次留言不出现也不用担心, 我看到后会替你发表的:) 以后如果经常留言, 就不会再有这种情况了:)