Polka Dot and Red

Polka dot and red, two trendy stuff putting together, looks so good that really out of my expected, the wide legs pants is from Gap, I bought it couple years ago when it was on sale, about or ? I don’t really remember, as the wide legs pants trend come back, I am so happy to bring it out again:)

                                                                                                   H&M blouse

Gap Pants

Jessica Simpson Heels

Zara Bag

Urban Outfitters hat

H&M bracelet

18 thoughts on “Polka Dot and Red

  1. Hey, you in wide legged pants must happen more often! I love how they look on you, they make you look even more tall! And what can I say about this awesome polka dot-red combination? I’m stunned!! It’s so so gorgeous! Red looks awesome on you! This floppy hat is definitely to die for! 🙂 😀 ANd the shoes, how could I forget these babies?? They are AWESOME!!! Well kinda high, but still gorgeous! 🙂 🙂

    I like so much that you post daily! It’s so so inspiring to see all these flawless outfits every day! 😀 Kiss your little frog-y bear!! 😀

  2. 先前看过hallie穿过一次波点衬衫特有范,好像圆点没这么大,一直想收一件,没有找到以前你穿的那款@!@ 呵呵,hallie的衣服真多呀,如果我有那么多衣服,老公肯定头都大了

  3. 很喜欢第一张,摇曳多姿!阔腿裤给人很大气的感觉!

  4. 可是走路要很小心的,就象穿长裙,一不小心踩到了就~~~~

  5. 哈哈,我老公只是有时候拿我的衣服鞋子来开心下,但是多数情况下他还是很赞成我扮靓的,说是只要我开心就好^^

  6. Yeah, I like to post daily, because I like to hear from you daily ^^
    the little frog-y bear say he will kiss you back;)

  7. yes, the polka dots are so hot in these days, in fact, I have another polka dots in red, 🙂

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