Lately, I sometimes find myself less motivated about things. Sometimes I feel I am “forcing” myself to post regularly so that I won’t lose my connection with you, “forcing” myself to do daily exercise so that I won’t lose the shape and habit I have built up for years. I even feel I am “forcing” my son to read books everyday — well, that’s what he said, that I “force” him to read. (And it’s true.)
But sometimes, I think more positively, and realize I keep posting regularly, because I feel joy when I create these things and share with you. I keep exercising because that help me to keep “moving” and stay energized, I ask my son to read everyday, because its a GOOD thing to do and that’s GOOD for him.


There are a lot of things in life that need us to change our perspective sometimes. To think about others, and to think from the bottom of our heart and our spirit.
In a way, it’s the same as a full midi skirt. I know a lot of people don’t like it, because “1. too much fabric, 2. makes my lower body look so big, and, 3. they are 50’s housewife style.”
But you know I am a full skirt lover! I started to love them about when I turned 30, a few years ago. Since then, I have never looked back or withdrawn my love for them. The main reasons are pretty simple, too — I feel I look good in a full midi skirt, and I feel like a lady when wearing one. — We are all beautiful kids in God’s eyes. We are all beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.