Postcard From Grand Marais

Checked Sweater and Mini Skirt_6

Hi everyone! I am greeting you from a little town in the North Wood of Minnesota called Grand Marais, a little town which only has 1351 people resident here.  Beside helping our niece preparing her wedding, we got some time jogging around the town, the lake, exploring the local food.

Tomorrow is a big day for the wedding, everybody here is so excited right now. Can’t wait to share more pictures with you later. See ya!

Checked Sweater and Mini Skirt_3

Checked Sweater and Mini Skirt_2

Checked Sweater and Mini Skirt_4

Checked Sweater and Mini Skirt_5

Checked Sweater and Mini Skirt_0

Check Jumper: ASOS

Skirt: Vintage

Rain Boot: Urban Outfitters(old)

Sunglasses: Karen Walker

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8 thoughts on “Postcard From Grand Marais

  1. 亲爱的短裙LOOK好青春啊!那一片蓝蓝的湖水让人心旷神怡~~~

  2. I haven’t commented in awhile, but I just wanted to drop in and say that lately, I’ve really enjoyed that you write your posts in both English and Chinese– it’s really helped me practice reading characters and I’ve been learning new words as well! Beautiful sweater and it sounds like you had a great time at your niece’s wedding! (:

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