What I Wore: Sonia Rykiel Pussy-bow Ties Shirt // Monse Denim Skirt with Ruffled Asymmetric Hem (also available here) //
Fendi Peekaboo Bag // Saint Laurent Cat-eye Sunglasses // Platform Sandals // Zara Polka Dot Scarf
How was everyone’s weekend?
I unplugged my phone to all the social and blog connections, and watched a couple old Chinese movies at home on my iPadPro, went to a big fishing and outdoor show with Red Bear and his dad (in the rain!) and took some high intensity and zumba classes at the gym, and went to church. And, oh, yeah! We also went to the famous art museum at The Getty Center, too! Not a boring weekend, I would say . . . lol . . . but it was all fun, so I’m feeling pretty relaxed, actually.
Now let’s talk fashion, and today’s outfit: Shirt with a pussy-bow tie is one of my all-time favorites, it’s good for wearing alone, or layering under a blazer, cardigan — but no matter how I wear it, it always gives my outfit some Victorian & romantic touch. Denim is another of my all-time favorite elements for the Spring style; it’s very breathable and always looks effortless, with some country-fresh twist.
In Chinese:
我的上个周末好象都没怎么用手机,博客微博IG什么的都没看,反而是在iPadPro上观看了几部港式老电影,和我先生和儿子去参加了一个大型钓鱼秀(当天还下雨了,按我的说法,简直是找累〜〜〜哈哈!),然后我还去健身馆练了几堂高强度的课,出了几身汗,对了,我们还去了盖蒂艺术博物馆! 这个周末有点忙,瞎忙,呵呵〜〜〜但感觉很放松。
来聊聊我今天的搭配:带有蝴蝶结领带的衬衫是我最爱的单品之一,它可以单独穿,也可以配西装穿或者配开衫 , 但无论穿什么,每次穿上总会给我的整体搭配一些维多利亚的浪漫感。 牛仔布是我另外很喜欢的春季风格元素之一, 它非常透气,而且穿上看上去总有种随意的感觉,还带有一些新鲜的乡村气息。
What I Wore: Sonia Rykiel Pussy-bow Ties Shirt // Monse Denim Skirt with Ruffled Asymmetric Hem (also available here) //
Fendi Peekaboo Bag // Saint Laurent Cat-eye Sunglasses // Platform Sandals // Zara Polka Dot Scarf
Such a cute and beautiful look … love the white top with bleu jeans skirt!

This look is absolutely gorgeous!
Rock Renee Blog
Perfect denim skirt and a timeless, must have once in a lifetime bag!
Love this look, such a cool version of a denim skirt! xo ~Zia