Ready For Easter?

After I dressed up this morning,  Bob saw me and said: ready for Easter? I asked: what do you mean? he said you wear all Easter’s color, light pink, light blue, light gray….

Ok, that’s my today post’s title, I said.

I  asked Red Bear to get behind the sunflowers so that I can see which face is bigger, and he did it.

What? what did you say?

I said to Bob: shoot my layers!

It’s a pink scarf inside the bag:)

Red Bear found himself mission today, I don’t know what’s that though.

Red Bear!!! you want to suicide or what?????Mom can get in the middle of the street, but you can’t!

Thrifted Pink Sleeveless Dress

Zara Denim shirt/gray vest

Jeffrey Campbell Wedges

Miu Miu Bag

Free People over-knee socks

Hat Attact Hat

24 thoughts on “Ready For Easter?

  1. 我是沙发?哈哈哈 兴奋 好久没做沙发了。最近你我也购置了一双这样的棉袜 还不知道怎么搭配呢 呵呵 Hallie给了我参考呢 裙子真美呢 层次感也很强!!!

  2. 坐上板凳也不容易啊, 呵呵….真的很喜欢HALLIE这身舒服又时尚的混搭呢, 带儿子出去的首选呢

  3. 這個層層混搭很好看, 不單春天氣息, 看罷真的有讓人聯想起復活旦啦
    你的包包我也有一個, 但是是比你的再上一兩季全皮的,淺灰色, 現在看起來也很喜歡你的那個see through啦~~比較好玩

  4. 好喜欢这种休闲的感觉..青春+甜美..人见人爱哦..层层混搭要搭得好看真的有点难.Hallie这一身搭配真的好看。喜欢ING。RB真的超可爱。现在也向MAN型前进咯。。

  5. Hello hello! Hallie, I so love your posts! It’s awesome to get a glimpse of your life! 🙂

    About Red Bear: HE IS MY MAN! 😀 I so love him, he is the cutest creature on this world! And I have to say that today’s mission is kinda..hmmm.. weird! He tries to get something out of here, but I’m not sure if I want to know what was it! hahahah! 😀 And jeez, why all the small kida want to walk in the middle of the road? SO weird! He is a cutie nevertheless and I LOVE HIIIIIM! 😀

    And about the outfit, I only take a bow in front of this perfection! 😀 I adore the way you combine pieces, you make it seem so so easy! You are the prettiest Easter bunny 😛 So awesome! I love everything needless to say! Btw, yesterday I found some time to go through all of your archives, I’ve been wanting to do this for ages and fortunately yesterday afternoon, I managed to do it! Only thing I have to say (read: yell) is WOOOWW!!!! I didn’t see a single outfit that I didn’t like or like less! Now the “Hallie inspirational folder” is full of your pics and that’s AWESOME! 😀 Oh and it was so much fun seeing Red Bear getting taller and his hair growing 😀

    Have an awesome weekend! 😀

  6. 也只有Hallie将常人看来三件完全不搭边的衣服穿在了一起,还穿得那么有时尚感,真是太有才了!

  7. 森女系?!看到这身打扮,想到的就是这个。每天都有惊喜和变化!

  8. I like to combo pink with gray recently, but I would like to try white/black with pink next time:)

  9. 哈哈,今天大家好象都成了习武之人, 你这里要闭关, 那就好好修行喽! 祝考试顺利,成功过关!

  10. Haha,,,,Red Bear is your Boy!!! he is not Man yet!!! that’s what I think! I don’t want to be too old !!! hahah….
    Red Bear is getting taller and heavier, It’s so hard to carry him and walk for long time now! and I am start complaining I have very big muscle on my arms 🙂
    How was your Weekend Demy? meeting with friends? having fun? I hope so:D

  11. 哈哈, 怎么个个都说RB象MAN啦,让我觉得他越来越大, 我就越来越老了,呵呵....好矛盾,又想宝宝长得快,又怕自己变老.

  12. 你的Miu Miu 什么时候拿来搭配让我看看?看看咱们这姐妹包长啥样?:)

  13. 知道你喜欢粉色:), 我也希望你们那里春天快点来呢, 我也可以多看到你的搭配相片^^

  14. 哈哈,就知道IVY是很会搭配的,这种棉袜IVY肯定也不会放过,期待IVY的新搭配秀呢!

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