
The color of Red in Chinese culture usually means good luck and happiness, and Red is also a color in Chinese weddings, what else? In Chinese Metaphysics, Red symbolized the Fire element(shiny element which can chase out all evil).

It’s Chinese New Year in Asian time already(3 February 2011), I am wearing this Red Lanvin for H&M dress for a photo shoot, wish everybody a very Happy Chinese New Year..and Good Luck Everyone!

Lanvin for H&M Dress/glove

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Boots

H&M Fur Collar

12 thoughts on “Red

  1. 你好! 谢谢来访问我的网站, 我也到你网站去了, 怎么留不了言呢?
    P.S. 你的中文学得不错!

  2. 嘻嘻, 祝你这只兔子兔年开开心心,美美丽丽!!!
    BTW 我没有SKYPE, 只有MSN, YH-IM, 晕, 哈哈, 咱们的网络交流工具好象都不太一致,….

  3. 喜庆啊!RB的名字里也有个RED,这就表明他一生都顺利健康,不受坏因素的困扰。

  4. Red Bear的这个名字其实只是我和他爸口头叫的, 不过真的希望他的一生平平安安, 开开心心吧… ^^

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