Red Bear In Bath | 澡盆小子

All Red Bear done during his bath was being cute. 🙂

14 thoughts on “Red Bear In Bath | 澡盆小子

  1. He is just soooo cute! ^_^
    I love looking at your bicycle, it is by Shwinn, may I ask what was the model called? Thank You.

  2. RB笑得好灿烂啊!真是看到他什么烦恼都烟消雨散!希望他天天开心!

  3. Sierra 7, I am not sure if this is the not, heheh… I will look more if you need further information.:D
    Thank you for visiting ^_^

  4. 成天放他的露点照,都不知道他以后长大了会不会有意见,呵呵

  5. 他是天天开心哦,不知道人是从什么时候起知道烦恼的呢?呵呵....

  6. 呵呵,要照就趁早哦,等他们长大了,不让照了哦.呵呵...

  7. Aaaaaa!!!!! Cutie cutie cutie!!! All these pics are so so amazing!!!!! I loooooove him!!! <3 <3
    I'm gonna marry your boy one day!!! hahahhaha! 😀

  8. 一直没看到Hallie在YOKA的更新,原来在这里忙得不可开交。

  9. 呵呵,亲爱的,这两天正打算上YOKA发贴呢, 心想等周一的时候再上去, 因为那时候大家上班了也上网了,呵呵.
    我也想念在YOKA上的朋友们呢, 现在只是忙自己的这个小家忙不过来,:)

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