Red Rocker

Couple days ago, we took a little trip to Vasquez Rocks, a park near a town called Agua Dulce [Spanish for “Sweet Water”] in the high desert north of Los Angeles.  There was a beautiful sunset view there!

Because of Red Bear, we were not taking any chance to climb the mountain, but I did listen to Bob’s suggestion,  to bring one of my favorite dress for some photo shoot.  By the way, it turns out Red Bear climbs the mountain like a little goat, so fast and not afraid of falling!  [Bob and I were afraid he’d fall, but he never did.]

We saw  a group of people taking photos there when we were doing the same thing, but they had so much professional photo equipment and assistants with them, carrying reflectors and clothing and make-up.  Compared with them, we are more like a family factory(I know, indeed, that is exactly what we are!:). I was teasing Bob:” Where is my reflectors?”

It was an interesting and exciting new place for Red Bear and me [Bob had been there many years ago.]  Here’s a little history we learned about Vasquez Rocks.  A gigantic earthquake millions of years ago broke the ground violently, so what was once flat now sits at a 45-degree angle, as you see in the photos.  The rocks became a natural fortress for a bandit named Tiburcio Vasquez around 1874, and law enforcement never could catch him while he hid among the rocks.  But later he was captured and hanged for murder when he left his fortress to visit a lady.  Since then, the rocks have been filmed in MANY movies and television shows, including StarTrek, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and too many more to name.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them.

Have a happy weekend, everyone!


Lanvin for H&M Dress

Jeffrey Campbell Lita

Zara Belt

Vintage necklace as bracelet

29 thoughts on “Red Rocker

  1. Such a beautiful dress,I looove how it looks with Litas even though I’m not a fan of Litas:-)Perfect place for outfit shooting!

  2. I’ve never been there, but it looks so beautiful. Love the delicate Lanvin for H&M dress mixed with tough Litas – nice juxtaposition!

  3. 模特很漂亮,RB很可爱。嘻嘻。裙子真的很唯美。纱纱的,层层的。在荒凉的岩石堆中,很耀眼。

  4. 哇,真美的地方。坐落在沙漠地帶,名卻叫『甜水』。

  5. Your husband is so right…this is such a good place to make outfit pictures. Wow, the view is amazing! It looks like Red Bear likes to climb the rocks a loooot :)) Anyway, red is definitely your colour 😉

  6. 呵呵,“家庭小作坊”拍出的照片也很唯美啊!很棒的Model和摄影师才是最重要的。

  7. 真是越来越专业了,第一张图超美,意境啊~!!!!爱死了!!!

  8. 呵呵,那是没得比较, 如果家庭小作坊和专业团队的作品拿出来比, 就知道差距啦….不和他们比,哈哈!

  9. 骂RB, 当然会啦? 有时候还打他, 很生气的时候真后悔为啥生了他, 过了就又后悔不已, 正如你所说的. 呵呵…盼着他长大不再让人操心, 又担心他长得太快, 矛盾…

  10. i wanted to get that dress too but the entire shop was wiped out even b4 i had a chance to get inside. pfffffft! u look great. mr bob did a fantastic job capturing these photos 😀

  11. 我還沒拍過婚紗呢!那時是公證的,所以整個都很簡單。當我看妳穿這件小禮服拍照時,我就想說到時後拍婚紗,我也要和妳一樣漂亮。

  12. AAAAAAAH!!!! *_* You’re so pretty. I so adore the pics. They could be in a magazine, they really could and they actually should! WOW!!! The dress looks stunning and the location makes its color pop. You’re stunning! Your husband had a greeeat idea to suggest taking your fave dress (cudos to you, mr. Bob! :D)! It is sad that this gorgeous place was created by an earthquake, isn’t it? I do hate earthquakes, which is ironic because I live in one of the most earthquake-y regions, we experience earthquakes practically every day 🙁 Whatever. Nature is weird. And stunning at the same time!
    Hahaha, isn’t it awesome that kids have so many possibilities? It’s like they’re flying hahaha! I’m sure Red Bear climbed the rocks more easily than you and mr. husband did lol!
    I’m off to sleep! Many many kisses <3 😉

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