Rooftop Garden

I was invited by Dietch PR to their building in downtown Los Angeles yesterday, and tried on some sample stuff from the brands they are marketing. SO fun to bring the fitting room to the beautiful rooftop garden!

It’s a secret, my mom told me once: she asked a fortune-teller about my future when I was 7 years old, and the fortune-teller said I will live in a very happy and wealthy life in my old age, and will be owning a lot of properties. Well, I don’t know how many of you believe in fortune-teller, but I will be happy to dream of to have a property with a rooftop garden like that. 🙂

A big thanks to Dietch PR , and thanks Megan (in the last picture, Red Bear likes her A LOT!) for helping me picking out the clothes and jewelry.

I was wearing:

Outfit 1: Avelaka Dress, AK Vintage necklace, BesoBeso bracelets, Jimmy Choo Sandals

Outfit 2: Blackbird Betty Dress, BesoBeso necklaces & bracelets & ring, Theyskens’ theory Wedges

Outfit 3: Boy Meets Girl pants and white shirt, Generation Love tank, AK Vintage necklace, Lillian Crowe jewelry, Valentino pumps

Outfit 4: (on my own) Topshop Sweater, Zara Pants, Chanel Flats

20 thoughts on “Rooftop Garden

  1. Amazing set of images and outfits!! 🙂 Love the “wealthy feel” of all your ensembles. As always Red Bear is the sweetest one in the images!

  2. I’ve missed your blog! These are lovely photos, but I mostly have my eyes on the black, white and gray outfit. It’s killer. That oversize shirt/jacket is so cool. RB hair looks super cute. Have a great day, Hallie!

  3. 好漂亮的露台,感覺很有情調!拍出來的照片也很美。看了妳這組照片,才想想我也好久沒上天台照相了說。

  4. What a cool location to shoot in, the rooftop garden looks quite lovely. The orange colour of the first outfit is a really good shade on you and I love the design of the hem of the pants in the third outfit; the cutout goes so well with the heels they’re worn with! You and Megan did a great job picking with the styling (:

  5. What a beautiful place!!! I’d love to live in a high flat too, I love light entering through the windows…

    You’re spectacular as always…

    And about the pearl giveaway, I saw there weren’t a lot fo girls interested!!! How could that be??? Next time I wish you made an international giveaway…


  6. 看了前面的照片还以为是你给杂志拍的硬照,很美啊!

  7. Now how can I not say that you NEED to be a model???! You have to shoot an editorial and I’m serious about this! Look at these pictures! DEAR GOD! You look stunning! *_* All the looks are perfect and the pics came out more than good, they’re breathtaking! Especially the first picture is super gorgeous, the light is awesome and the orange tones make the picture so special! 🙂
    Ha, of course Red Bear loved this lady hahahha, he knows what he’s doing 😛
    And I’m not sure if I believe in fortune-tellers, but a happening (unfortunately a sad one, that’s why I’m not getting into details) last summer made me kind of believe in them. Hm… I don’t know. I just wish your dreams will come true!

  8. 偷偷和你说啊, 我晚上和老公说, 这三套怎么看都不象是我的风格, 哈哈…

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