Rose Insolent

Got some stuff from Chanel make up collection yesterday, I really like these Rose Insolent type right now, can’t wait to wear that, tomorrow?

I just noticed that we have so many roses blooming in our garden now, which one is your favorite?

Hey, buddy! those are birdfood! you go find peanuts please!

Ok then, I really can’t see you! How is peanut by the way..

Have a Happy Weekend everyone!

18 thoughts on “Rose Insolent

  1. 我是第一个嘛~哇哈哈~荣幸啦~

  2. 玫瑰玫瑰,我爱你。全都喜欢哦。好想把它们都栽到我们家哦。要是有这么一个大花园就好。春天真好。真想踏青去。周末Hallie一家又去哪玩啊?有想过去野餐吗?春天就想到这样。期待有这样的机会呢。。

  3. 花开得很美很灿烂呢!建议Hallie开个花店吧,自产自销,哈哈^^

  4. 这些花好美啊!全部都喜欢!

  5. Hi, Hallie! Awesome Chanel stuff! Especially this lipstick is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see you wearing it, it’ll look amazing on you, I’m sure about that 🙂

    And WOW how gorgeous are these pictures!!! I love flowers, and roses are my second favorites (first one is gardenia 🙂 )! I’m not sure I can choose between all these beauties, but I think my favorites are the red one and the yellow…AND the pink! 😀 The picture with the yellow rose and the bee in motion is A-W-E-SOME!! And the squirell is such a cutie! I have never seen one, but this seems to be very cute 😛 😀

  6. Come visit us, we have at least squirells in our yard, because we like to feed to non-salty peanuts, so almost every squirell know that we offer food here. 😀

  7. 或者叫狂野玫瑰, 或者叫傲慢玫瑰, 呵呵, 反正意思都差不多….
    其实我做不来彩妆大贴的, 因为不是行家…还特别不入行…

  8. 哈哈, 今天还跟老公开玩笑, 邻居家的女儿结婚, 我说给个100美金, 我剪些家里的玫瑰送去…哈哈…

  9. COCO真会挑, 那款特别香, 我就经常剪下一两朵 插家里, 满屋飘香…

  10. 很久没上了, 上后回你啊…^^
    不过你有啥事在这里给我留言啊, 我天天上这里看的;)

  11. 野餐, 一直有想哦, 呵呵…不过我们在院子里吃, 也蛮”野餐”的, 嘻嘻…就是苍蝇比较多, 头疼…
    你们呢? 有想法去野餐吗?

  12. 又一个感冒的小盆友, 表示慰问啊!!!!呵呵…其实美国也不是哪里都是好天气的啊, LA这边比较好, 不过我倒羡慕夏威夷的天气, 常年27C左右的…

  13. 还没有呢.不过会找机会的.周末跟YY去踏青了,两母子踩着自行车在我们村里玩了一下,和春天亲密接触了.好舒服好写意的感觉.太喜欢了.有时间一定带着YY去亲近大自然的.

  14. 听你描述着我的脑海里就有了一幅漂亮情景,漂亮妈妈带着可爱儿子去踏青的画面,好温馨^^

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