We finally get to use the AC and fan these two days. hehe..The good thing for such a hot day, it’s very enjoyable for swimming..
Bob backed home from work pretty early today, so we went out and run some errand with him, like fix our car’s AC and his another cell phone’s problem
Let’s just dress easy after the swimming and a quick shower. Red Bear wear the denim cotton T shirt,, denim pants, Zara shoes, I have his pants roll a little bit, make it cool. :-).
I wear a Maxi Dress from Zara. Bob said I look very Asian today, I asked why, he said maybe the dress and my hairdo, maybe because of I have Tan now? I plus…:-)
At the moment the tech guy checking our car, I took some pictures
Want to see my hairdo clearly? just a simple twist bun, since there was no volume after the swim cap.
I haven’t been wearing earring often after Red Bear, you know why,since he likes to pull my ear like that once there is a earring!
The same cell phone store. we got to have fun in photography again.
Tonight’s Dinner was in Garden Wok, it’s our favor veggie Chinese restaurant. Red Bear was playing his little air fun. Such a funny toy, it combine candy, fan and airplane at one!
Red Bear’s favor!!! lol…it’s veggie though.
Bob’s sesame chicken.
Mine cold season cucumber and “Wu Geng Chang Wang”. it’s really hard for me to remember this name. One time I said as” Wu Geng Wang Chang.” they brought me a bowl of Wanton, haha…my fault, it did sound similar at the last two word though.