Santa Love Me | 圣诞老人喜欢我

Santa Love Me, You must be wondering why I said that? :-), You know I went to H&M today and shopped some new outfits for Red Bear, and on the way to check out, I found a dress in a sale rack, well, the price wasn’t on sale, but can you believe that? that’s a dress from Lanvin For H&M, and it’s my size! What can I say? I know I have been being a good mom and good wife, so I guess Santa Love me.. 🙂

So no surprise, my New Year Eve’s Party dress will be this one! and about the Party, you will have to wait and check^^

It’s the same one Angelababy (??) was dressing. Styling her outfit with black open-toe pumps.

18 thoughts on “Santa Love Me | 圣诞老人喜欢我

  1. 看吧,这就是淡定的结果:是你的终究是你的!这件裙子还挺不错的,你这么可爱,圣诞老爷爷当然喜欢了!

  2. OMG, you rock that dress! I def luv the look, Hallie,good job, that must be the best xmas gift ever~~lol…I got my xmas dress at GAP KIDS, I am so ready for the xmas! By the way, what kind of accessories are you gonna wear to match them? I am waiting for you pic!

  3. 不止圣诞老人喜欢你哦,还我我呢哈哈。。。说到Angelababy 她是我姐姐好朋友的女儿,比较喜欢她生活中的样子,清纯些!!

  4. 恭喜恭喜!前段时间我后来去店里的时候也看到了些退货, 其中也有这条, 呵呵。 不过话说我把我的那条红裙子也退了,实话说我拿来家后越看越不喜欢了, 嘻嘻。

  5. 这一条就是我试过的其中一条,我穿的时候觉的麻麻地,不过看你穿的还挺好看的,看来这衣服是找在主人了呀,呵呵

  6. 呵呵,那你当初还试了哪几条呀,我记得你好象一条裙子都没买呢,当时我都觉得可惜:)不过你买了那么多T,赚到了哦.

  7. 晕,早知道你要退,先知会我一声啊....也好让我考虑考虑,嘻嘻...

  8. 啊?原来你跟Angelababy还沾新带故的呀,嘻嘻,我要在国内的话就要想办法通过你去见见她本人了,嘻嘻,至少和明星来个亲密接触.

  9. Gap Kids?? wow, I can’t wait to see what kind of dress it is! I was searching for some skirts in Gap Kids or JCrew kids, but never have a luck, I guess I just didn’t look for it hard enough…so what are you going to do for the Xmas?
    I got a glove and a pair of shoes from Lanvin for H&M too, so I might wear them together, we will see.^^

  10. 嘻嘻,我也这么说呢,"是你的终究是你的".相反的,有些事情还真是可遇而不可求.求到了就好好珍惜:)

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