Saturday Happy Things

Hi, Everyone, hope you all having a wonderful weekend there! Some photos Bob took in our yard last week, nothing about fashion, but they are really some cute stuff that I want to share with you.

1. Know what kind of flower it is? —- Passion Fruit! 2. Flower of Silk Tree, pretty, right?

3. Tomatoes and Black Berries, wait until they really right!

4.  I have people keep asking me what’s Red Bear’s eye’s color, I can’t really tell what exact color they are, can you?

5. I heard most of the artists are little bit crazy, our little one is same, he draw some air planes on his legs, I asked him “why”, he said “because I like to”.

6. We have a guest come into our front yard last week, a tortoise!?We named him/her Tommy, by the way, who can tell if he or she? We are trying to find his/her owner right now, and before that, we taking care of him like a King:)
7. Ok, at the end, I need your help! Red Bear gave me this one day, said he have wrote a note to me, any translator there please?! 🙂

14 thoughts on “Saturday Happy Things

  1. Note translation: Red Bear read it to me. It is a sign for Tommy the Turtle’s house, and it says, “Don’t bother the turtle!”I’m just not sure what language he was writing.

  2. adore this post!
    Methinks you are the proud mom of a genuine artist!! 🙂 (and an archaelogist judging from the scriblled hieroglyphics) 🙂

  3. can’t believe you have all that in your own back yard. must be really pretty in spring-summer. and red bear is ultra cute with that creativity and innocent face. 😀

  4. Don´t know his eye color either but those eyes are amazing!!! I think your cute boy is super smart. He even invented a new scprit. Please take care of Tommy he/she is gorgeous 😀

  5. 親愛的,妳們家有個很棒的後院,不只花兒漂亮也吃的營養健康。
    RB好可愛!從他的字裡行間看來,我想裡頭都是滿滿對媽咪的愛吧 ^^

  6. 应该快到丰收的时候啦。好想吃哦。

  7. 拍得很美啊!还从来没见过百香果的花。哈哈!可爱的RB!

  8. Hiii!!! These pictures are so pretty! Love these flowers, they’re so weird! And I laughed my ass off at Red Bear, firstly because of the drawings on their legs (better be on the legs, rather than on the walls :D) and then because of the “message” hahaha! It’s obvious that it says “Don’t bother the turtle!” 😛 I think he might have discovered a new language 😛 As for his eyes, they’re so special. I think it’s something like a deep deep grey with hints of blue. Jesus, he is such a handsome boy <3 Maybe a member of your family has eyes like this? And the turtle is sort of scary :S I do love animals, but turtles are really scary 😛

  9. hahaha at first when i saw RB’s legs i thought it was you wearing the tattoo tights which are very popular in Japan now. i really want to have ones like what he drew!! haha and the letter was so cute.
    my grandpa in hk has a fat turtle, he likes to eat meat and the cat’s poo…pretty funny and now he is too fat that he cannot really move.


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