Scarf Bow

How is everybody’s Sunday? We have a big rain here, and beside that, I have a very sweet Red Bear with me, and makes me happy.

I am going to clean the house and organize my closet, and watching movie and reading books with Red Bear, I have have good feeling about that.

And of course those pictures we took few days ago, we were in the park, and I made a scarf as a headband bow, do you like it? and do you like the way I’ve edited the pictures?

River Island Sweater

Zara Pants

Vintage Scarf

Zara Sunglasses

Zara Wedges

16 thoughts on “Scarf Bow

  1. Hi hi!! 😀 😀 Thumbs up to this editing! It’s awesome! And plus thumbs up to rainy nights with Red Bear! ahhaha! 😀 😛

    So this outfit (yes, yes, I’m gonna tell it agaaaaiiin! :D) is one of my many favorites from you! I love the way you rock these pants, even if they are not the easiest piece to pull off! I also adore this heavy knit sweater, it looks gorgeous with your hair and your pants! Great idea to use this scarf as a headband! You are very creative and I LOVE LOVE to read your posts! I’m getting too addicted to your outfits 😀

  2. 效果不错哦.我还以前电脑坏了,在跳画面了,哈..说笑.发现Hallie穿亮色真得好看。

  3. 效果是不错,如同楼上说的,还以为自己电脑坏了呢,总是一跳一跳的,哈哈,挺有意思!

  4. 但是只要我一想起, 母子俩相依为命, 心里就觉得很可怜的样子, 呵呵,,,犯贱的心理.

  5. 呵呵, 其实很喜欢啊, 平常你怎么在包包上用围巾打蝴蝶结, 就怎么在头上弄啊^^

  6. 嘻嘻, 只要有想法,我一概支持你们行动啊!! 按老人家的话, 要小孩就趁年轻啊….呵呵..

  7. hahah…some of my Chinese reader said they think their computer has some problem after they seen those editing pictures….I might try again , but not often…. or just for cheering…
    And please don’t stop comment here, I am too addicted to read your comments too…. 😀

  8. 头巾很漂亮啊,和衣服很搭!这个特效挺好,你,灵动如在眼前!

  9. 别提QQ啦, 申请了无数个, 每次用蜜码, 还不给用简单的, 搞得我次次编个复杂的, 然后两三天不登陆, 就不记得密码了, 就又报废啦, 我服气啦…呵呵….
    不过还是谢谢看看的好意与关心 ….

  10. 啊? 原来我也是属于多愁善感的吗? 这是我们女人的话呀, 男人会不会称那叫”神经质”? 哈哈….

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