Scene Choice

After over one year of blogging experience, both Bob and I know pretty much what location we need to choose for the photo shoot.  Safety is always the first priority, because we always have our 3 year old photo-shoot assistant with us.  Trust me, most of time, he is really a pain in the a–!!!  Many times we have to stop shooting to chase him while he runs after something interesting to him; the best places are where he can throw rocks, collect sticks, or try to climb a tree.  Then he will stay in one place for a while.

And about this outfit, yellow and mustard are such a “Fall” pair of colors for me, and I really want to find some scene with more “Fall colors.”  About the pose I have in the last picture, do you admire my skill in that pose? I have no idea how can I still look calm when I had only one foot holding my whole body!

I was wearing: Esprit Leather Jacket(old, similar style here), ASOS skirt(similar style here), American Apparel blouse, Karen Walker No.1 Sunglasses, Zara Belt, Carven ursule two-tone leather wedge loafers. 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Satchel,

19 thoughts on “Scene Choice

  1. 金黃色的陽光、金黃色的街景,搭配上這身搭配,好和諧呀!滿滿的季節感,『秋意正濃』好個形容啊!

  2. These photographs look so autumnal especially with the mix of the colours in your outfit and the leaves behind you! (:

  3. love the colours of your outfit and those trees behind u… so fall!!! trees in hk are green all-year-round -_____-” u can’t tell the season change by looking at the trees, only by the clothes ppl are wearing. LOL!

  4. 姐姐这身真应景啊!那个台湾的姐姐之前提过自己167-168公分。姐姐你应该有162-163公分吧!

  5. 我的身高167~168左右。為什麼看不出來是因為老公有180,而且壯壯的〈偷偷說他體重有110多喔〉。所以站在他身邊瘦瘦的我更顯的小隻。

  6. Hi! Yeah, I bet it’s kind of difficult to pick a location that is both safe and pretty, but come on, he is Red Bear! Who can resist? hahaha! You look awesome, though! And especially in the last pick 😛 Yay for balance skills! I have to admit that I’m not a fan of the shoes as I’ve told you before, but I still think that you styled them greatly 🙂 Oh and this pic of Red Bear is adorable! His hair is getting long again! 😀

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