Scout And Sailor

After I putted on this striped dress, I felt I need more color, so I added a scarf, and then I feel like a scout sailor:D

Most of time while I focus on taking pictures, Red Bear looks at me like that:)

Yes, I got a stick instead of flower today:)

French Connection Striped Dress

Zara Vest

Hat Attack Hat

Louis Vuitton Bag

Faryl robin wedges

Vintage Scarf

Bracelet from Target

H&M Sunglasses

17 thoughts on “Scout And Sailor

  1. 围巾真是点睛啊, 颜色配得真好看, 还有鞋子, 喜欢啊…

  2. 好久没留言了,但是我每天都在看你的搭配哦。喜欢这身水手装扮,每次HALLIE都会混搭出小惊喜,喜欢。

  3. 看到第一张图片突然想起美国国庆日,全是国旗色啊,这一身很大气的说!

  4. I love the way RB look at you,he’s so sincere:P Hallie have beautiful shape!

  5. yes, I think he is sincere most of time, but sometimes I think he just pretend to be:D

  6. 对啊,主要是这条围巾的缘故,我几乎每个美国国庆日都是扎的这条围巾,呵呵.

  7. 天气越来越热了,这种混搭现在看来应该会有一段不可施行了,那天把我热坏了,哈哈.

  8. 呵呵,Jackie好象特别喜欢这种水台坡跟鞋....^^

  9. I LOVE this blog! It’s the most inspirational blog in the whole blogosphere! It really is! You are the reason I’m not going to school dressed in black from head to toe. Unfortunately I have a thing for black, even though it makes me look like a zombie. And I have realised that I tend to wear even more black since I left Chictopia 🙁 So THANKS!!!! 😀 You look so gorgeous! This is absolutely flawless! It’s like these pieces where made to be together! I love the dress and the scarf is perfect, love the color 🙂 And the red lips are STUNNING!!! 😀

    LOL Red Bear is so creative! He finds new things to give you, even if it’s a dead tree root or a stick ahahhahaha! 😀 😀 And the look on his face when you take pics is really confused! LOL! 😀 He is amazing! And as stylish as his mommy 😀

  10. 丝巾的加入真的有神奇的效果啊^^体现你的时尚功力非凡呀~~
    hello, hallie!

  11. 那现在欢迎吐泡:) 其实我发现我对围巾有点不习惯, 因为我总是能把围巾扎出”空姐”范来, 哈哈…

  12. haha,,,it’s nothing wrong to wear black , at least, it would never go wrong:) lol…I do think black looks cool in the summer though:) hahah,,,anyway, I am not the only person say you look great in colors, right?
    So take it easy, Me and Red Bear with you happy ,,,forever!!!

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