Yesterday running some errands in downtown Los Angeles, trust me, bare legs were around every corner! Isn’t it great we can still go with bare legs in November? I love California weather!
You knew I loved this sheer blouse from Zara TRF the first day I saw their lookbook here. Finally got my hand on it, and I love it — imagining wear it inside with leather jacket, twill blazer or a cardigan, many options, right?
Friday again, hope you have a happy Friday and a coming weekend!
Theyskens Theory Wedges
Carlos Falchi Bag
Hat Attack hat
Ray Ban Sunglasses
D&G watch
I want your hair ç_ç
I swear that when I saw this picture the first moment I said out loud “wow” hahaha the skirt and the blouse are on my wish list @ the moment lol and the sunglasses! and the hat!!!!!!!! wooooooow and we still go with bare legs here too but it’s constantly changing’ yesterday I wore a skirt and today I wore a denim jacket skinn jeans and Dr.Martens Israel weather is bipolar haha have a nice weeekend too!:) xoxo
Aww this is so pretty! I remember that you loved this top ever since you saw it and now you’re rocking it! WOW! The color is gorgeous! It suits you greatly and of course the skirt complements it so perfectly! I wish the weather was so nice here as well, but it’s kind of cold right now AH. Hope you’ll have an awesome weekend, Hal! Many kisses to Red Bear <3
That is a gorgeous blouse, indeed, but the shoes are amazing!
The top is such a pretty color, I love it! And your hair look amazing! We’re so incredibly lucky to have this weather! Hope you have a great weekend!
it’s the weather getting cold there?
in deed, we start raining here today and the temperature dropped!
haha,,,Thank you for your “wow” Ariel!
And now I know what kind of girl you are: denim jakcet + skinny jeans + Dr. Martens, it really surprise me that you like my style, since I never wear Dr. Martens, lol…but believe me, I love Dr. Martens boots, always want to get a pair:)
这种颜色应该叫铁青色吧, 呵呵…恭喜哦, 以后ZARA在你那开店, 估计咱们要开始撞衣服了!!! 我也好想看看同样的衣服在你身上穿起来是什么味道呢:)
至于那头发嘛, 用卷发器的呗, 很容易的:)
I envy you for the beautiful weather u’re having there. Again, a very stylish beautiful outfit…but then again, I wouldn’t expect less from you
It’s not ok cause we,on the other side of the world,are totally jealous!:-p Looking fab,dear,that blouse is gorgeous!Love your hair!
Lovely colour for the shirt (: I keep getting these sheer-esque tops back in August and my mum kept giving me a look every time I left the house haha. Have a good weekend!
hahaa,,,I know one day I will give my kid/kids that look too:)
回不去啦, 那天去领馆换护照, 我居然;连我以前的旧护照都没带, 我还和老公说, 以前我是专门干这行的,替人准备资料什么, 现在好了,连换护照这种小事自己都没办好, 老公还笑说, 这种事情也是要常练的, 我肯定是已经生疏了…而且说我现在已经转行了,转”时尚”业 , 哈哈….以后吧, 说不定有机会会弄点别的, 但是现在基本上没啥其他想法呢:(
haha yeah I love mine lookek in every Macy’s that in my way when I was @ the us ans when I gave up they were on the shelf outside a Journey’s store!!!! and I’m kind of every thing, I can be tomboy so I add something girly and I can be girly and add an edge to it:) and when I’ll be ur age I definetly want your style haha
周末愉快! =)
呵呵, 谢谢亲爱的夸奖,我还真没啥窍门,,就是少吃多动, 这段时间在电脑前坐的时候长了,没怎么动,所以就偶尔喝喝减肥茶...
hahaha,,,I love style of “everything”, in my bloglovin, I have so many different style blog roll…so I think I definitely love your style.:D