Slouchy Trousers

Another good day for having fun with Red Bear in the park. The weather is getting warmer. Summer is here?!  When Red Bear sat on the swing chair, “It burn my ass”, he yelled! hahah…

Once a while, my friends ask me if I ever wear the same item twice.  Well, the truth is: I never wear the same outfits twice! 😀

H&M Polka Dot Blouse/Sunglasses

Urban Outfitters Slouchy Trousers

Dolce Vita Pumps

Vintage leopard print Wallet

26 thoughts on “Slouchy Trousers

  1. First,Hallie never repeat the same outfit.Second is Hallie’s closet more and more full:p ,and you, as aways,pretty,elegant,sweet:D
    Third RB is very cute,I could imagine while he yell ” it burn my ass!” and the expression on his face:p
    Fourth:After a hard match ,FCB finally win the semifinal!We’ll go to Wembley,the Final macth in Wembley,against Manchester United,a very strong team.Anyway we’re very happy tonight.Let’s wait to see The Final Match of Euro Champions League….:D
    Enjoy you day!:D

  2. 哈,几天假期没来看看,一上班就来瞧Hallie &RB,看着RB在公园玩真开心,想问一下,会想过RB太好动吗?我们这的小孩太好动就怕什么多动症之类。Hallie那有这吗?发现Hallie有好多波点和横条的衣服哦?昨天我也看到很多横条的上衣呢。那不会穿相同的搭配的话,要是那套搭得太漂亮了,喜欢得不得了,那应该会再来一次吧?那Hallie会忘记曾经同样搭配过吗?

  3. 你的宝贝越来越出落得象个小大人了。哈哈!当妈的每每看到自己的宝贝都有无尽的幸福感,何况是一个能耍酷又搞笑的宝宝呢!!

  4. 两个色搭在一起让我的眼前一亮来的,得努力学习来的,但是我发现我的衣厨里都是暗色系来的,如果可以的话,Hallie能把你的closet用照片拍起来让我们小小的观赏一下。不方便的话就不用了哦,我怕这个要求太过份了哦!小RB好幸福啊!!!

  5. hahah,,,,here you are , so many things going on together! now you sound like a lawyer:D the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th part:D
    Anyway, I hope your team will do a great job kin the final Match!

  6. 呵呵,对啊,大家过节的时候,我都好想大家呢, 不过知道你们过了完节一定会来和我聊聊的:)
    我可没想过RB太好动, 反而是担心他不爱动, 呵呵,好动症这玩意也不是那么容易得的吧^^
    以前没写博的时候, 遇到喜欢的搭配,当然还会穿多两次, 现在写博客了, 就在寻思着每天弄点新意思, 所以就不重复搭配了^^

  7. haha,,,that’s a interesting question! the same question we were talking about inside the car after the park, me and my husband, and we think it should be something like rope obstacle or rope mountain:)

  8. 可不是嘛, 看着宝宝一天天长大, 真的是很幸福的事情, 可是我现在又怀念他还是个小BABY的时候了, 那个时候不闹不嚷的, 任由摆动, 哈哈.

  9. 还别说, 我今天还有个这个想法来着,可是我的衣柜真的是不太见得人,哈哈….等我好好收拾后再现丑了:)

  10. 哈哈,你别以为, 其实他现在懂的单词很多的,还有比这更厉害的呢, 哈哈!!!!

  11. 幸好有博客帮你记着,不然你那么多衣服,那么多搭配方式,时间长了恐怕连自己都不记得了。

  12. O_O aaaaa!!!!!! 😀 WOW! I’m looking like an idiot at the screen right now, but honestly I AM IN LOVE WITH EVERYTHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pants (gorgeous fit and color), the top (omgosh dreamy), the accessories (<3 LOVE), the shoes (I.WANT.THEM!!!!), the bag (WOOOWW!!!)!!! IN LOVE WITH THIS OUTFIT!!!!!! 😀 😀 You, yes YOU, are perfect!!!

    And Red Bear is so amazing and…crazy! I'm sure that every time you go to the park, he is really excited! 😀 hahha! Great child 🙂

    Bye bye Hallie! 😀 I'll try to not disappear again 🙂

  13. 又见红色, 又见波点, 我喜欢!呵呵。 我现在出门也是车里备上一双可以换的鞋子了, 嘻嘻。

  14. 我想問的倒是….你們是不是每天都會去公園玩啊??哈哈
    你LG也很sweet, 總是抽空幫你們拍照, 好幸福

  15. 差不多吧, 呵呵,我和宝宝是差不多每天去, 我当是锻炼喽:) 现在天气越来越热, 去一次减一些水, 哈哈…

  16. He is really exciting everytime in the park, and want to go to park everyday! when the summer is here, the weather is warmer and warmer, the poor mom(me) will have to carry the heat and take her little boy (him) to the park soonL:((

  17. 嗯嗯, 有时候觉得写博客, 不仅是记录搭配, 还是记录一种心情, 当然更重要的是宝宝成长的经历…

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