Snapshots From Last Week

Snapshots from Last week

1. Leaves from our front yard tree, looks like they have blood all over, amazing nature color!

2. Me walking in the back yard of Red Bear’s school in his first day of his school career. H&M Sweater, J.Crew Pants, Aldo Oxfords and 3.1 Phillip Lim Bag

3. Halloween is coming!  We were searching for a costume for Red Bear , at the end we only paid for this pilot hat, but he loves it.

4. Still on the 3 times/week medical treatment since our recent car accident, this is what I normally wear to the doctor’s place.

Vintage Tee and Jeans, Aldo Oxfords, ASOS Sunglasses, 3.1 Phillip Lim Clutch. Zara Belt

5. Red Bear was teaching me how to pose better in front of the camera.

6. My little pilot going to take off.

7. Had a brunch Sunday morning in a new restaurant, the light in their patio seats is fantastic. I will show you the outfit tomorrow.

Thank you for visiting today! See you tomorrow!

10 thoughts on “Snapshots From Last Week

  1. 秋天是個美麗的季節,想和老公2人去欣賞漂亮的楓葉呢!

  2. 今天的内容十分丰富呢~RB真心的可爱呀!

  3. 今天的内容十分丰富呢~RB真心的可爱呀!

  4. Lovely photos… isn’t it wonderful how versatile we Moms are? We can dress so sophisticatedly, another time all grungy and urban. It both suits you well. It just has to work with the kids on a daily basis, right?…

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