Spring To Life

Today, I want to share something I read from the local newspaper (Daily News):

Spring is a season for budding flowers, but it’s also a perfect time to ensure your life is blossoming. Professional life coach says this season of renewal is a good time to evaluate where you are in life.

“To follow the the natural cycle of the planet, in the spring we plant seeds and in the fall we harvest. So this is the perfect time of year to take some time to reflect on what you want to create, set some goal.”

“It doesn’t have to be anything big, just some small step you can take and plant those seeds and begin taking action. Water those seeds, let the sun shine on them and be available to what pops up in life later on here in a few months.”

I am not sure if it makes sense to you, but I like the beautiful thought, “Plant your hope and life plan as seeds, and take care of them with sunshine.”

Forever21 top/lace cardigan(old)

Thrifted Mint lace pants

Asos Bag

Dolce Vita for Target Wedges

Zara Sunglasses

14 thoughts on “Spring To Life

  1. Hiiiii! 😀 I really like this saying, I guess it does make sense for most people. Well, truth is that I don’t really like spring, probably because I’ve always been thinking of it as the exam period of each class. So.. it’s always REALLY stressful for me and it makes me abandon some hobbies that I really like 🙁 BUT I’m sure that for others this saying means a lot 🙂

    Anyways, gorgeous outfit! WOW! The fabrics look amazing together! Pretty in lace 😀 And I’m loving that all of your accessories are camel, they keep the right balance 🙂 And the floppy hat, well, what can I say??? You’re the most beautiful lady ever! 😀 😀 Oh btw, Red Bear’s denim Converse are aweeeesome! 😀 😀

    Have a great day, Hallie! 😀 😀 Byyyye!!

  2. 每天看着你的博客照片我就感受到了春天了!不知为什么我们这今年很冷, 去年4月樱花就开了, 但是今年马上5月了还是不开, 我都等的急死了, 不过现在看看你的照片也好, 呵呵。

  3. 很有意思的描述,得到启发了。Hallie今天全LACE上阵啦。里面白色打底的好喜欢哦。胸前的花式和层层蛋糕式的底部最喜欢。好漂亮哦。

  4. 你喜欢的这件衣服买了很久了,当时买的时候是大号,后来我想拿来穿裙子穿得了.所以出来的效果就是这样了:)

  5. Ah,,,poor Demy, I am sorry that Spring give you the stress like that, but I totally support you that study hard and harder right now, “no pain, no gain”, I believe all the stress you have right now, and all the effort you put on right now will bring you a bright future. Be Happy, My dear friend!:D

  6. 喜欢这段文章,生机勃勃的感觉!这身打扮好女人啊!坡跟鞋是才买的吗?鞋跟脏了好不好弄干净?喜欢一双nine west的,就怕鞋跟脏了不好看。

  7. 坡跟鞋买了很久了,一直没机会穿.关于鞋跟脏了的问题,我可从来没想过,因为觉得鞋跟不会脏,哈哈.
    Nine west今年的一些彩色坡跟鞋都很漂亮呢,我也差点买了双.太漂亮了!看看看上的是哪双?

  8. 如果下雨溅上泥水什么的就脏了,这种跟看起来像是草编的,应该可以用水刷吧?

  9. 应该可以用水刷的….

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