St. Lucia Day 3, 4, 5

13 thoughts on “St. Lucia Day 3, 4, 5

  1. 新年快乐哦。Hallie。。这几天都跑亲戚。。都没上来跟你和RB拜年。。你也去玩啦。。

  2. Awww looks like your having a fabulous time there with your family. Have fun and be SAFE! =D
    I adore how Red Bear is carrying his little St. Lucia boat in all the pictures. Adorable.

  3. 也给SUE拜年,,,我倒是羡慕你跑亲戚呢, 让我想起以前的日子…
    这边的价格其实你们可以上网查的, 我知道SUE也知道点英文的, 可以上美国一些大型电子网站查的…:) 需要再帮忙再和我说啊…

  4. RB那套綠色海灘裝真是可愛呀!在哪裡買的嗎?我們家嘟嘟也有一套藍色的呢!

  5. Jesus, this is Eden’s garden! What a gorgeous place! I wish I could go there one day and just sit without doing anything! AH! Amazing! 🙂 All these pictures are amazing, but the one that stole my heart is the one with the donkey and Red Bear in his hawayan suit! <3 He is such a gorgeous little boy <3 😀

  6. 哇!好美啊!一片热带风情!这个小岛到底在哪里?非洲吗?还是南美?

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