Statement Accessories

It’s the summer time, not easy to do layers, so I start to collect statement accessories , I believe a statement accessories can make your simplest outfits stand out. Whenever you think your clothes look too plain or dull, you can always use these accessories to define your look.

I found this necklace and sunglasses in Target, I like them with the unique colors and shape, and with a small money too:)

Look at Red Bear’s face, and you know what was he thinking? Something might be naughty??..

I have my little man in my eyes:)

Thrifted skirt

Vintage cardigan

H&M lace tank

Asos Clutch

Necklace and Sunglasses from Target

Terra Plana pumps

26 thoughts on “Statement Accessories

  1. Aw wowwww!!! So pretty pictures! You look stunning! Amazing colors! The skirt is to die for and the sunnies are perfect! I agree with you, statement accessories can take an outfit to a new level. You are gorgeous, Hallie! I really don’t know what else to say, you’re simply stunning! And I need in my life your clothes 😀 😀
    Keep rocking! 😀

  2. 哇!喜欢死了!墨镜质量还挺好的,最近总是买不到喜欢的墨镜。

  3. 好美的颜色, 好美的搭配, 好美的阳光!也不知我们这的Target什么时候才能开呢?那时我就不用看着 你在Target淘的东东们口水啦, 嘻嘻

  4. 好一道美丽的风景线啊, HALLIE什么时候回国啊? 让咱们这里也亮丽一下哦

  5. 五六颜色搭出合谐的感觉真是太棒了,裙子以前的主人看了可能会有点吃惊来的,看完心情美美的,谢谢Hallie这么出色的搭配,第三张的照片感觉真棒!!!总之漂亮,想想自已衣厨有没有能搭出这种味道的。

  6. 呀?怎么留言没了。。。

  7. 这样就叫性感啦? 呵呵…..现在不是有一种眼镜, 专门是给近视戴眼镜的人配的, 阳光下会自然变色的…SUE不妨去找找看…应该是要专门配的…

  8. 以前不敢穿很多种颜色, 现在好象胆子越来越大了, 哈哈…..其实自己看看还是不太习惯, 不过偶尔穿穿来活跃下自己的心情 吧, 有些时候有些BLUE….

  9. 你就别流水我的东西了, 你的东东才是让人流口水的, 一大把的那种^^

  10. 买的时候没发现, 现在看相片了我才知道, 原来这墨镜镜片还是象镜子般的, 嘻嘻…

  11. but I need your kissable lips and beautiful eyes! 😀

    Then let’s just enjoy what we have now…hahah…

  12. hi hellie,有没有考虑下开通新浪微博,这样,微博控们关注起来会更方便(⊙o⊙)哦

  13. 其实我已经开通了, 只是没有多加打理就是了…空在那里不理不问的. 呵呵……有时间我再上去整整…^^

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