I remember I used to not like to wear any sleeveless top/shirt/dress, because I never really liked the way my arms looked. I think they were too “bulky” because all the tennis and badminton I played in my early age. They looked too strong for my body figure.
Lately, though, I find I don’t mind to wear many sleeveless tops/dresses anymore. Of course, one reason is I am learning to love myself as I am; there is no way I would like to compare my body with any Victoria Secret Model anymore! And, for the physical part, I am more confident with my arms now; they are strong and lean because I am in the gym almost every day. I am not doing any special weight-lifting, though. Most of the exercises I have been doing the last 2 years have been variations on dancing of some kind. it is usually continuous dance for an hour a day, and I enjoy it. My weight hasn’t changed, but I feel my whole body is tighter and my muscles are leaner.
Oh, last but not least, I have no shame with my A cup size anymore; they look great in most of the clothes I own.

Merci for sharing your thoughts … you always look great in whatever outfit you choose to wear!