Still Wear Harem Pants?

With skinny jeans all around the street and wide leg trousers become trendy, do you still wear harem pants?

When harem pants first became popular, I thought that was unflattering. And I was wondering who would want to wear saggy pants?

But I still like to try one, I have seen many pictures that people pair harem pants with wedges or heels, they make their legs look mile-long.

Somebody said harem pants are the fashionista’s version of sweatpants. I do like to wear sweatpants at home or go to the park. And that’s the reason why I want to try one, heheh…

and today I want to try the harem pants with the famous coat, hahah…I call this coat famous since I bet you have been many people wear it already. And after all,  I  know my this outfits are incredibly comfortable yet still edgy and stylish.


Zara Fur Coat

Zara harem Pants

Silk tank from Target

Marc Jacobs Bag

Vintage Sneakers

Free People Belt

Forever21 Ring

28 thoughts on “Still Wear Harem Pants?

  1. ^_^这个戒指好看,就是中指节能打弯儿么?~~~~亲耐滴今天妆化的特别美~~~哈伦裤很舒服的说,看起来也很显苗条哩~~~

  2. 今天RB就在那么那么那么那么后面露了一小脸儿~~~~~但还是被我这个正太控发现了~~~

  3. 哈哈, 这个帐篷正太厉害!!!! 话说我昨天晚上跟我LG说了你的遭遇, 他表示很同情, 哈哈, 他说他以前闻到过一次, 简直是不堪再提, 还说了如果沾在人身上, 听说可以用番茄汁加洗澡去掉, 但是房子挨了, ,就没方喽….再次表示同情哈…

  4. 嗯,中指打弯的, 活动不是很方便, 但也不影响, 又不贵, 你喜欢的话去弄一个啊…

  5. 谢谢同情~~~唉~~~那天半夜遛狗狗的时候它和臭鼬亲密接触了,我上前去拉架,结果就被臭鼬一网打尽~~~现在我和狗狗一起住在院子里~~大冷个天儿~~幸好LG没沾上,要不他就没法上班了~~~~发现哈士奇特别喜欢欺负小动物~~~网上看到好多小哈同学骚扰臭鼬的帖子~~~再次谢谢亲耐滴关心啊~~~~呜呜呜~~~

  6. wow!真是又舒服又时尚啊,又不做作!实践证明:舒服和时尚是可以兼得底!喜欢!

  7. Ahhh… I already told you in Chictopia that this outfit is incredible and that I honestly have NO words to describe this! I’ve been looking for your pics again and again and I think that this is one of your best outfits ever!!! You ROCK the hrem pants, you really really do! Every single piece of this outfit is to die for, the closet of my dreams definitely consist all these AMAZING pieces!!
    Needless to say that your pics are already in my inspiration folder! Maybe I should make a new folder named ‘Hallie Super WOW!’ hehe, yeah that would do! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this, awesome outfit. No words perfect enough to describe this!

  8. Oh and I totally forgot to congratulate you! No wonder this outfit made it to Chictopia’s frontpage! 🙂

  9. This is just too cool for school. I also am a big fan of Harem pants, be/c the tight skinny jeans are getting pushed to the back of my closet for now. Great look and it was a pleasure to feature you on my blog.


  10. Your blog is divine. You style all your outfits so impeccably well! and look amazing in everything you wear xxx

  11. lol…you are the 2nd female friend I knew that said has large hips, lol…I like BF trouser too. they are so easy to dress up and down, yet comfortable and stylish…I use flat iron to straight my hair once a while, don’t want to do it often though 🙂

  12. Thank you Karin, you are so kind, I visited your website too, it’s so unique and amazing, following you in Bloglovin:)

  13. lol…no because of that my this outfits made to the frontpage,hehe…, somehow before they announce me as a style icon in Chictopia, I have to post this Style Icon badge on my blog first, hehe…

  14. haha….every day I have new outfits and you say that’s the best one, I remember one time I got a small interview from a Chinese press, and she asked me which one is my favorite outfits, and my answer was: it will always be the next one. ^_^

  15. 谢谢COCO,COCO要不要考虑在这里向大家展示一下你的搭配美照^^

  16. 嗯嗯,但是这套不能穿去吃饭的啊,更特别的是不能让象类似RB这样的小朋友手抓^^

  17. 又暖,呵呵,JIE你的那件ZARA的外套也可以这么穿的呢^^

  18. 哈哈,你还上网查了相关同情报导? 哇哈哈....说了,这么冷的天,你真的是在外面帐篷?跟狗狗一起?哇....以后是不是接受教训了?不要半夜散步啦?嘻嘻.

  19. 嗯~~~真在外面住,要不房子就被毁了~~~以后不半夜散步了,还是半夜来你这里玩吧~~~

  20. 好的,我上去找找看,我是WB盲来的,正打算这两天上去运作下呢.^^

  21. 哈哈....这教训总结得不错,半夜来我这玩,我们一起对付狸猫??哈哈...

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