Stop, Thief!

Thanks to my dear reader Jackie for telling me someone has been using my picture as their production AD. I am here to declare: I never give any authority to any seller to use my pictures for their AD use in so far. Any other sellers wanting to use my picture for profit or commercial benefit, please contact me FIRST.  Anyone using my pictures without my written permission should take all my pictures off your web page right now, or I will keep all my right to stop you according to law.

My dear friends, if you see any other pictures of mine on another website without giving a link to, please, please tell me.  I will very much appreciate that!


14 thoughts on “Stop, Thief!

  1. Whaaaat? Seriously? Are these people crazy or what??! It’s nice that you discovered it of course, but it’s insane! They used other person’s pics to make profit. Ts… They’re not treating in a nice way. SHAME ON THEM. :@ :@ If I ever see any pic of you on the web, I’ll let you know.

  2. Hi Hallie, I’m sorry I’ve been posting your pics on my facebook for fav fashion blogger outfits. Is it ok if I still do this. I always include a link back to your blog. Let me know if this is ok!
    Shasie of Live Life in Style

  3. 昨天我也进那淘宝看了,还在想是不是征得Hallie同意呢?还对比你裤子与Hallie身上的是否一致.没想到原来是盗用了照片,也真是的。出现在商品中也太离普了。是要声明的。。

  4. HALLIE有没有和店主联系啊? 唉, 本来还在这家店买过1,2件衣服的, 看到店主这种行为都不打算再买了

  5. 店家利用你的照片卖他的裤子,这种裤子和你穿的肯定是有区别的,这种行为即盗用了你的相片又欺诈消费者,真是可耻!姐妹们一定要一起谴责这样的无良商家!

  6. I have seen some of your photos in the others website,talk about your outfits,your style.I was surprised!

  7. well…if people like my style and mentioned that in their website, and give a link to my website, I am very happy for that. but using pictures as benefit use and without telling what’s the picture come from, I think that’s steal.

  8. 呵呵, 昨天我妹妹已经在网上找到了商家,他们态度还算好,相片说是已经撤下来了,我看人家做生意也不容易, 希望以后能诚挚对待消费者吧.

  9. 我让我妹妹和他联系了,他们态度还好,说是相片已经撤下来 , 我看他们做生意也不容易,如果JACKIE以后还打算再卖他家的东西, 就要问清楚和看清楚就是了:)

  10. Don’t worry about that Shasie, I am glad you like my style and posting my pictures on your facebook, because all your friends would come visit me through the link. Which I really appreciate that. Thank you!

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