Straw Hat and Vintage Shirt

How is everyone doing this Easter weekend? We went to an Easter egg hunt and had fun! I will post some pictures later.

This is what I wore yesterday, a straw hat matched to a vintage shirt — so in love with the shirt color, I bought it long time ago in China, but this is my first time wearing it.(And you say you so in love with this color? lol). I can’t believe it.  🙂

I asked Red Bear why he putted his tongue out like that, “That’s Dino(our dog)” He said. 😀

Vintage Shirt

A&F pants(old)

H&M straw hat

Soda Clogs

Thrifted vintage Bag

13 thoughts on “Straw Hat and Vintage Shirt

  1. 看来RB已经好了很多了呢 小舌头真可爱 Hallie的那个小包包很复古 超爱那枚戒指啦~~

  2. 好多是好多了, 就是还不怎么敢给他吃东西, 而且精神不佳的样子, 老是要妈妈抱:D

  3. 吐是不吐了, 就是还得有个过程, 得慢慢喂食, 所以他还没什么精神和精力, 谢谢Jackie, 话说你现在在哪出差呢?

  4. Hi Hallie!! HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!! 😀 😀
    You look suuuuuper gorgeous! Yes, indeed this shirt HAS a beautiful color! And the clogs are so to die for! I have to admit though that my favorite item is this cute cute bag! It’s so pretty and small and soo.. vintage! 😀 You’re amazing! 😀 😀
    And hahahhahahahah, Red Bear is so hilarious! I’m sure that everyday he says many funny things! 😀 😀 Great child 😀

  5. RB终于好些了:)

  6. 其实他还没全康复呢, 已经有很多天的相片没有能拍到他的很自然的笑脸了. 现在看他, 小下巴都尖了, 以前看着象老豆, 现在看着象我了, 哈哈:D

  7. That bag is just cost me $6, pretty good deal, right:D.

    Do you have thrift store in your area? My dearest Demy Angel?

  8. 6$??? *_* WOW! Nooooo, there’s not a thrift store here 🙁 🙁 Actually I think that there are thrift stores only in Athens and Salonika… This is so ridiculous. 🙁 I have never been thrift shopping!!! Unjustifiable! 😀 😛

  9. I wasn’t into thrift shop before, but I like it now after several times experience. 😀

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