Strawberry Crochet

Here’s another another crochet outfit for this week, so that you know I am very into crochet right now, and lace too! I used to like to wear silk in the summer and still do, but seriously, wearing silk and playing with Red Bear and having him all around me is really too dangerous.  You know what I mean — stains from dirty fingers, kicking with his shoes, scratching with his sharp little fingernails, all those boy activities.

And about which one is cooler in the summer, crochet or silk, what do you guess?

Topshop Crochet Dress(old)

Forever21 shorts

Jeffrey Campbell Lita

CCskye Bag

Necklace bought from flea market

Sunglasses(no name)

26 thoughts on “Strawberry Crochet

  1. 大红色的勾织裙子吧。很喜庆很漂亮。里面的是打底内衣吗?还是很性感。RB头发又长了,跑起来都会这样子的,嘻,可爱极了。他那裤子我家YY也有类似,只是格子颜色有点不同。夏天穿很凉快的呢。

  2. 哇又是性感的一身,紅色針織透黑色打底,怎麼那麼誘惑啊!
    很引人犯罪的一身> <

  3. Hallie如果這幾天妳發現我很晚留言,是有原因的。


  4. 看了看了, 你们一大堆子的人看起来玩得好开心哦…人多去玩就是好玩…

  5. 谢谢你们一家人的喜欢! 你这么说来我开始觉得如果我不定期更新, 是有犯罪感的…呵呵, 亲爱的, 还是正常作息, 我嘛, 就在空闲的时候再上来看看就好:)

  6. 里面有穿有热裤啦, 呵呵…

    小朋友的衣服其实来来去去都是这样, 特别是男孩子的, 所以撞衣是肯定会有的:)

  7. 是阿,在國外這這樣穿很Ok,在台灣就令人很害羞了。


    沒辦法,我就是這麼愛妳> <

  8. 我猜钩织衣比较凉快吧?因为有镂空。丝绸的衣服穿起来舒服,不过确实难打理,有些是需要干洗的,小孩子还好,我穿真丝裙或丝袜时都离狗狗远远的,拒绝它们靠近,呵呵!

  9. Hi!!! I’m sorry for being late, but this weekend I decided to take a break from the laptop. Instead I spent it on the beach 😀 You look awesome! This dress is wonderful! And sexy 🙂 Plus, the way you styled it with the Litas is perfect perfect! I so want a pair of Litas <3 They're gooorgeous! I like them more than the Lanas. And how cute is the necklace? A little cute elephant! And aw! a little cute red bear 😀 ha! He is indeed growing up really fast. And well, you have to expect these things from boys, they will always act like this, being dirty and stuff lol! But it's well worth it, because Red Bear is cute cute <3

  10. don’t be sorry please, I am so happy that you enjoy the beach life:D sometime I feel so relax to not to touch laptop too, but just for some snack or movie or strolling around.:D
    But in another side, I can’t live without my laptop, lol….:D

  11. 呵呵, 同理同理, 不过我今天穿真丝裙来着了…感觉比镂空凉快…吃早餐的时候居然还起鸡皮GE DA, 哈哈

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