Tried a new Vietnamese Restaurant in our home area, it’s not big, but clean, good flavor, and Bob and Red Bear found their veggie beef and egg roll, we will come back for sure:D
Today’s outfits all about comfortable and casual , the boot and denim vest adding the edgy flavor in the outfit while the red bag make it pop off the street.
It looked much better before I all messed it up
Bob and Red Bear’s Veggie Beef and egg roll, we liked it:D
Zara White blouse
Free People Short(old)
H&M Boots(old)
I Heart Ronson Denim Vest(old)
La Mer Watch
呵呵, 那是我的荣幸啊, 我也好喜欢小欣妈咪的留言, 每次留言都这么有心, 看了就让人开心:D
让你老公继续吃味吧, 说咱们两互相喜欢! 哈哈~~~~
哈哈, 还别说, 我还真觉得我的风格是一段时间一段时间来的, 自己都弄不清楚, 哈哈!
Love your blog, adore your style! Just followed you via Bloglovin. Btw, your son is such a cutie
the veggie spring rolls look super yum! i like viet food too. my favourites are beef pho & spring rolls
Hi Hallie, how are you doing? I am very sorry that I just saw your message on my sina blog now: these days there are quite some difficulties of logging in to Sina and MSN and hence I haven’t checked them for quite a while…I didn’t see your message on MSN, techinal breakdown again?
I haven’t read your blog for quite some time either – you are soooo slim now, and your hair is a lot longer! bravo! I have been travelling these days in Europe after getting back to Italy in May. Which of your email address shall I use to write to you? Please let me know by dropping me a note in my hotmail address.
I like your bracelet watch
我們都很喜歡吃越南菜的!! 在加拿大也要找來吃, 去越南時就更不用說了!! 不過價錢真的差太多啦
我要來向你報喜啊!! 就是那情況暫時好轉了!! 經過這次我們好像都認清了更多, 希望能保持下去吧!! 謝謝你的關心和支持啊 kiss kiss~~~~~也給RB一個吻~~~~~~
嘻嘻, 那太替你高兴了, 就象我过去说的, 试着分开一段时间也不一定不是好事, 这样大家可以认清更多, 真心的希望你们能够继续下去, 永远幸福!!!
XOXXXOXOX<<<<3 from me and Red Bear:D
I will try to email you later:D
现在不时尚了? 呵呵…久不久换点风格穿, 日子才不闷:D
yes, viet food normally is fast and easy, and most of them taste like family cook food:D
Thanks Winnie:D
哈哈, 是吗?
哈哈, 我今天晚上就跟我老公转告你的全文, 也让他吃吃味, 嘻嘻.
SUE喜欢吃那种卤豆腐的吗? 还有超市里卖的豆腐干零食, 如果你喜欢吃, 那你就应该会喜欢吃素食餐, 这里的很多素肉尝起来真的是很不错的. 呵呵
AAAAA!!! (admiration open-mouthed aaa’s :P) You look amazing once again! You give me so so many ideas, you know! The booties and the vest are awesome, awesome, awesome! And I love the crisp white shirt and the red bag!!!! Awwww! Rocker chic! You look…out of this world! I so missed this perfection these last days
Oh and your hair looks great in a braid! It’s so long *jealous :D*
And the food really looks good!! The veggie spring roll makes me hungry (which is a good thing, because today I’m having lunch with my extended family and if you don’t need in a Greek family, everyone starts asking what’s wrong and if you feel sick and stuff. Yes, we are one of these greek families lol :P) Aaaanyway, I’ve said it before many times, but I’m gonna say it again. Red Bear has gorgeous eyes, they’re like they have every single color in them!
About the hair, are you thinking of to keep your beautiful hair longer ? you know the secret to keep a long hair is just not to cut them…hahah…:D
Really, if you don’t eat in a Greek family, everyone will think you are sick? I remember when I was in high school, I want to keep fit and I stop eating rice but only vegetable, my parents almost say the same thing every day to me: you are crazy!!!
Well,,,right now, use vegetable as main dish sounds very healthy, so I was doing the right things:)
呀, SUE一说这肉炒萝卜干,梅菜,黄瓜干之类啥的, 我一听口水都要流了,,,,配粥吃, 嗯,….已经很久没这吃这么玩意了….现在又想了…
确实是用水冲一下这些东西味道会更好呢, …这一点我赞同啊….呵呵