Do you remember your first income made by you own? How did you spend and what did you buy? I remember my first income was 60RMB(about ) for a month part time job, it only took me 5 minutes to spend it all, and I got 4 same striped cotton Tee in different colors. hehehh….I still remember how did I like them , I wore them almost every day and after the color finally faded out with too much time wearing, I still wore them as pajama at home.
I am glad the striped trend still on and I am always like them:)
T by Alexander Wang Striped Tee
Forever21 Polka Dot Shorts
Steven Madden Boots
Louis Vuittion Bag
H&M Sunglasses
Zara Scarf
Headband from Target
I adore this look! Perfect mix of prints! And LOVE that scarf!
Isn’t it awesome to buy things with your own money? I think it feels different and it’s like you take better care of the things you have paid for. My first income was when I was 12 from my part time job in a super market (in which I worked for three summers in a row, but then I changed to a restaurant) and I didn’t spend the money, but instead I kept them and in the end of the summer I had almost 300 euros, which I spend to buy my cell!
Anyway, bye bye Hallie! Kisses to both you beauties
your baby is adorable *_*
I love love love this stripes and polka dots combo! I can’t really remember how I spent my fist income…all I can remember is that I spent a lot of money on designer sunglasses that I didn’t wear that much. xoxo
Great Outfit! I really love your glasses. I haven’t even earned my first income! Jobs are hard to come by these days!
呵呵, 刚刚才回复你关于热的问题, 再回头看看这套搭配, 想想要是去到你们那里还这么穿, 一定热死了!!!
I understand, but I believe one day, you will get what you want:D
hahah,,,,I know the designer part, my first few designer items right now looks so ugly to me, because at that time when I first bought them, I didn’t buy them for the style and look or something else, but because it’s designers….I guess that’s how we learn, we have to pay,hahahha…
that I agree, hehehh
see see see, when I finished writing what I bought with my first income,I felt so bad,because I should have thought of to buy something like a book or a CD or a cell phone….hahah…but all I spent was just clothing….I guess I am still the same right now…sigh…if all the women same?
But I really agree with what you said about you take better care of the things you have paid for!!!! That’s so true!!!
Thanks dear, I am glad you like it:D
Funny! I wore a striped cardi and polka dotted short yesterday. Just added the post. Seriously, are we related somehow?? My first job (one of three, simultaneous part-time jobs) was in college, whilst studying premed. I can’t remember exactly what I spent it on, but I’m pretty sure it was saved up to pay rent and bills and nothing fun. On another note, growing up, my mom was an avid thrifter and I was too embarassed to tell people. (Little did I know, she was WAY COOL and ahead of the game). Anyway, I begged and begged for designer clothes from the department stores (ESPRIT and Z Cavaricci were big in middle school), but we didn’t have the money. Finally, in 8th grade, my mom bought me a pair of new, classic Vans sneakers. I felt so cool. Hah, wished I had understood that it’s better to be unique. Great question, hallie! And I love how you wore your version of mixing stripes and dots (love those orange sunnies).
Wearing motherhood with style.
原來我們倆都愛條紋!! 哈哈
你和RB那張”合照”怎麼這麼有電影feel呀….像<>的…哈哈, RB愈來愈有潛質做模特了~~
呵呵, JIE真是个好女儿呢. 我当时那个是小钱, 所以想得没想就拿来买衣服了, 哈哈, 后来赚大钱了, 就开始给我妈妈, 当时我还记得妈妈说, :”怎么这么多?” 呵呵…
same thing, but my mom didn’t get me cloth from thrift store, but she made them herself, sundresses, sweater,,,almost everything, and I remember one of my summer sandal broke, so we use something to glue it in and wear again for 2 summers….we were sort of poor, but I like this memory, beautiful…
SUE总是孝顺女来的,总是想着家人….比起你来, 我惭愧了啦…
我们那张是巧合, 今天照了一组, 也有一张这样的, 呵呵,,,你不说我都想不起几米的漫画了, 向左走向走吧,… ^^
好呀, 我建议你多买点棉袜, 过膝的呀, 短的呀, 圆点的啦, 粉色的, 粉黄的, 拿来配裙子或短裤很漂亮的, 就算这个不流行了, 以后冬天也还可以继续穿… ^^
祝你的台北之 行开心哦!
wow the stripes and the polka looks great together!! Love it<3
I think you seriously have the best assemble of polka dotted pieces. It looks great!
I love the combination of stripes and polka dots! Great
Live Life in Style
呵呵, 穿出来瞧瞧吧, 说不定很好看呢^^