Summer Cut

“Ahhh….they cut my grasses” That’s what I said when I went back to my favorite field and try to take pictures there. So no more grasses, no more bugs, heheeh….

About today’s outfits, I was wearing a denim vest on a denim blouse, compare with wearing only one denim jacket, I like this way better, with different level lengths and my arms can move better:)??plus, it’s easy to put one off when the weather getting warm during the day.

Red Bear was holding a big chocolate in his left hand, and a gun in right hand, that’s why he was so happy:)

Vintage Dress

Mossimo Supply Co Denim Blouse

I Heart Ronson Denim Vest


H&M Sunglasses

ASH Shoes

Bracelet(left hand) from Target

21 thoughts on “Summer Cut

  1. 現在是台灣凌晨2點半快3點左右…
    每晚睡前必做的事:就是來看hallie妳> <

  2. Jeez, I didn’t recognize the field! I have to admit that I liked it best with the grass 😀 But now there no bugs so I’m in a dilemma haha 😀 You look awesome though! Come on, you always have the most unexpected ideas! So not fair! However you compensate for this by posting your perfect ideas here 😀 I’m gonna try it, tomorrow! It’s simply awesome, I don’t care if I sweat or boil (which I will), because it’s a perfect idea! And I really love the scarf, the color is beautiful 🙂
    Hahah, I’d be super happy only with the chocolate, but well, Red Bear is a boy, so…a gun is prerequisite hahaha! 😀 He’s getting taller and taller, isn’t he? Or is it just my idea?? He is becoming even more gorgeous (like his momma) 😀
    Kisseees! 😀

  3. Enmmmm…It´s a nice idea!This yellow scarf (does it scaft) looks so nice.
    ¨Gun and Chocolate¨ hahaha,fortunately is not ¨Gun and Roses¨ LoL

  4. 好漂亮的搭配,发现一件简单的单品,Hallie都能搭出味道。喜欢+佩服。想问一下,Hallie每天都会出去走走的?你家LG也会一齐?真幸福哦。很多时候都是我自己一个人带着YY去玩。LG忙得很。见上一面都难。RB真的长大了,这个样子是小男人啦。帅哦。有时候我会问YY你是小男孩还是小女孩,他总会说小女孩,不知故意还是怎样。气晕。最后想到应该是个女的国语好读些吧。。嘻。。

  5. I don’t know if no more bugs is a good thing, we didn’t got to choose, somebody cut the grasses:)

  6. 有点小碎花, 现在看还有点透,,,下次穿估计得想想别的招^^

  7. 差不多每天都会出去走走吧, LG也一起, 这边和国内不太相同的是,生意上谈事情, 都约在午餐,晚餐一般都是回家和家人一起吃的.所以LG晚上不象国内的大多人一样,晚上有应酬啥的,他下班早,就一起出去买东西啊,照相什么的...
    YY爱说自己是女孩?呵呵,真好玩, RB就喜欢说自己是BIY BOY:)

  8. I think Red Bear wouldn’t care too much is “Gun and Chocolate or roses. or mint or milk”…as long as he can control both…lol..

  9. heheh,,,same here, I like it better with the grass, but there was no our choice, we can’t do nothing about that:)

    Red Bear’s getting taller, and growing…fast…I am sad….heheh,,,maybe not:)

  10. 这么晚了你都不睡觉, 不对哦, 要想美美的,要早睡早起啊:)


  11. 是阿,熬夜會讓皮膚老化、暗沉…

  12. 幸福。喜欢这样的工作规律,无论男的女的都应该这样工作时间就好,可惜我们这不是。一连好几天,LG都没回家了。呜呜。有时还有应酬的,加班的。RB说的是BIG BOY吧。YY这几天当了DOCTOR,玩着那医生工具,还帮人打针探热的。那“病人”是我呢。

  13. 呵呵, YY还当医生?RB还没那兴趣呢, 不过最近他去看医生已经不再哭闹了:)

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