Summer Essentials

Panama hat, sunglasses, short, Tee shirt, I bet every one has them in your summer closet.

It’s so strange here, we have June gloom in these days, while there are many places are basking in near-100 temperatures! Wear Shorts and Tee still feeling chilly at the morning and night, where is Summer?

Usually Bob is a very calm person, but the moment he saw me sit down and have Red Bear around, he was pretty close to screaming: “That’s crazy! you don’t know what’s inside there! Dog pxx, pxx, bugs, fleas…then will be all around our house, and I will be the only one has no bugs!!!” hahah…

J.crew Tee

H&M shorts

Botkier Bag

Vintage Boots

Urban Outfitters  Hat

Forever21 Ring

Esprit Belt

Zara Sunglasses

29 thoughts on “Summer Essentials

  1. 嘿嘿,果然从昨天开始,变成青春休闲范儿了~~~~真是一段时间一个风格呀

  2. 呵呵,,,老是一种风格有时候自己都觉得有点烦, 小财眯是啥风格的? 你又喜欢啥风格?^^

  3. 說真的,那麼年輕、時尚、有型的妳!!!
    不知道的人還以為妳是大學生呢> <

  4. 對了,上次說要給妳看相簿。


    但想到要被妳瞧見,就好緊張、害羞喔> <



  5. 看到了看到了, 你儿子和女儿和你一样, 眼睛大大的, 都是美男美女!!! 么么, 亲亲,,,,
    就象你说的, 看了相片, 感觉更贴近了, 现在我也正笑着咧~~~~~

  6. 哈哈, 好吧, 那我现在该考虑申请学校再就读什么的, 美国这里的大龄大学生就多了去了. 哈哈~~~~~做个有型有名的大学生…

  7. 哈。那Hallie和RB有带上跳蚤之类的回家吗?我还在想,那一片杂草还蛮漂亮的,很好的背景呢。我也一定会走进出照相的。还有那上衣跟一片杂草很配呢。很喜欢田园的感觉。我又想到童年的快乐生活呢。在田里,杂草间乱跑乱跳。呵。多让RB和YY亲近大自然会更好。

  8. 哈哈!你还渴望夏天啊?前两天我们这边高温四十度,都晒死了!拉树枝那张像是在沉思。

  9. 同款的皮带我也有一条!嘻嘻,很多年了,貌似近年都时兴又细又窄的小皮带捏

  10. HALLIE,太帅了,那个短裤我好喜欢,不长不短的好合适啊,穿在你的身上好好看啊,话说你说的那个妈妈真是太自私了,真是不明白了,国内这边前两天我也看到更可怕的信息,有个妈妈对她女儿的打骂连刀都用上了,在小女孩身上很多刀伤来的,看完真是痛心啊!说点开心的事,RB的爸爸在这么个烦心的情况下还能拍出这么美的照片,功力非一般啊!!哈哈!!!

  11. HAHAHHAHA!! Your husband is sooo funny! Well, I may partly agree with him, which means that I’m with you if there are not spiders and grasshopers :S All the other bugs are ok (not really, but I would do my best lol) The pics though turned out great. In fact, they’re like you took them from a magazine! You’re so pretty, Hallie, really pretty! And if I talk about the outfit, I’ll start WOW-ing and AAA-ing and AWWW-ing again, and I’ll make you bored. I really believe that it deserves WOWs and AAAs and AWWWs though heehe! 😀 So incredibly gorgeous, I’m repeating myself 😀
    And I sooo soo love the pics with Red Bear running, he’s so cute! And a creepy remark: he has nice teeth! 😀
    See youuu! I’ll try to not dissappear for so many days again 😀 Kisseees 😀

  12. 謝謝妳的大駕光臨~
    妳能來瞧瞧,是我的榮幸> <


  13. 你的风格我都喜欢啊~~~淑女的,休闲的,青春的~~~~可是我已经连着快2个月都是T恤+运动短裤+人字拖,德州实在太热~~~~

  14. 啊? 连续2个月都这么穿, 我一定烦透了, 哈哈…

  15. 呵呵,小欣妈咪好可爱哦! 都已经是两个孩子的妈咪了, 还这么可爱, 而且我看你的相片, 你要不说已经是两个孩子的妈咪, 你还当你是高中女生咧…..^^

  16. hahah,,,,by accidentally, I am not afraid of spiders or other bugs, I just can’t stand mouse and snake, right now we have a dead mouse in the back yard and I have to wait for my hubby home tonight and get rid of that…haha,,,,don’t know who killed the mouse though….

    Red Bear now when he smile, he likes to show off all of his teeth!!!! he call that big smile!!:D

  17. 哈哈…MAY的留言也是好好玩的. 关于我老公的那一块….回头我跟他转告啊…^^
    关于妈妈的话题, 我觉得虎毒都不食子, 不明白为什么有些人类就可以那么冷血?

  18. 哪呀, 我老公和RB, 两个人在家里是比脏乱的, 所以他那天一叫说虫子啥的, 我都吃惊, 觉得他怎么突然间干净起来了, 哈哈…
    我跟你老公倒是蛮相象的, 回到家是一定会换衣服和鞋子的, 嘻嘻….

  19. 才没有带什么虫子回家呢, 呵呵….
    童年的时光真的很让人回念呢, 我记得也是上小学的时候, 吃野花吃野草,,,抓虫子啥的, 现在的小朋友也不知道是不是还玩这个…

  20. 是啊,傍晚最热了,连着好多天都90度以上~~~所以我天天来你这里用眼睛吃冰激凌~~~~~看着你每天都这么美,真爽啊

  21. 哇, 德州这么热的啊, 我们这里就算是夏天, 只要没有太阳了, 还是挺凉快的….怪不得这么多人移来加州, 你也来吧, 呵呵!

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