The last day of August, is a very special day for me and my husband, we went out for a nice French celebration dinner:)
The heat is gone here in Los Angeles, weather is really perfect and I can’t wait to start to put on Fall’s colors. Last time I went to Zara store, when I saw this dress on sale for only , I just can’t resist that anymore, Oh! I got the red one too:)
Remember few days ago, I said I will share a BIG news with you?
Here it is! Chictopia is announcing their first ever Chictopia Influential Blogger of the Year Award! It is based on Facebook likes, retweets, chic votes and favorites throughout 2011. They picked up 8 nominees, that’s really a giant honored for me to be picked! Thank you! Chictopia!
The winner will be jetted to New York to attend NY Fashion Week with Chictopia’s editors, featured on Chictopia’s YouTube channe, and will also receive $2400 worth of outfits! Exciting right?I know going to New York and attending the fashion week will really be a too sweet dream to me while I have to take Red Bear with me all the time; but think of that, taking Red Bear to attend the Fashion Week, could anything else be more exciting than that?
So please vote for me here, I am No. 8! Every one of your future vote will mean a lot to me! Thank you so much!
Vintage Boots
Gucci Bag
D&G Watch and Sunglasses
I vote for you now
Thank you Carmen, the first voting comment for me here!!! Thank you so much!!!! XOX
還有那小花戒好可愛呢,喜歡喜歡> <
谢谢亲爱的! 么么!!!
P.S. 你那件长牛仔衬衣我也有哦, 我前几天也搭配过来着, 就是觉得不是很理想, 所以没发出来:) 你这样配很好看呢, 很有层次感 .
哈哈, 亲爱的, 我也好爱你! 可是你怎么从不在LOOKBOOK 或CHICTOPIA上留言给我的呀?
Great dress hun =) your son is to adorable =)
OMG!!! Congratulations on being selected as a possible Influential Blogger of the Year!!! That’s sooo exciting! And all of that clothing?! YES PLEASE! haha. I just recently came across your blog and I love it! I am looking to move to Shanghai in several months, where are you from?!
Also, your outfit is just lovely, that dress is definitely a great steal and I definitely understand wanting the cool weather wardrobe to be able to comfortably come out, I’m here in AZ:(
Well, you look great(and so does Red Bear, so handsome) and good luck!
love your dress dear

I’ll definitely will following you if you follow me
fyi, we are searching for reseller in every country,if you got an offline shop or online shop
and you interested to be our reseller please lemme know ^^
Decimal Shoes
也特想看见Red Bear在时装周上到处跑的场面,全力支持你!
支持, 投票是必须的:) 这个裙子我让买了芥末黄和橙色的, 好穿哦
voted for you! love your style and your blog as always
You know you’re my number one! You really desierve it Hallie! You definitely have my vote! Wow…NYFW…wow
Vote成功 ~
CONGRATS on being picked one of the influential bloggers of the year nominees. How exciting. I read 5 out of the 8, including you, however I relate mostly with you! Also, I love, love, love those vintage boots with this look. So cute. I picked up a similar belt from H&M last month, but haven’t worn it yet. Maybe I will try it with a neutral dress. Lovely, as always, Hallie. I wish you the best on chictopia (you’ve got my vote).
Wearing motherhood with style.
最主要還是來Hallie Daily這裡。
like it all,
dress looks so retro,
like bag print too,
as i said
like it all
and red bear on a fashionweek
let s everybody vote;)
Already voted,I was very happy when I saw that you’re in competition,too!Good luck,babe!
You look so beautiful…great shots and details!
Oh beautiful brown colors :DI love the belt and cute dress!
is it 1 vote just for 1 member?
OMG congrats for being nominated Chictopia Influential Blogger of the Year Award! and I wish you win! I already voted for you
and taking red bear will be so exciting to NY Fashion week! aaah wish you get that!
I voted 4 u now!!! I really hope you’ll win u deserve it!!!!
Thank you Ariel! thank you so much!
Thank you Ninda! thank you so much! about is it 1 vote just 1 member, I am confused too, hahaha..
Thank you sweetie!:)
啊 ,,,,太感谢EMAILY了, 还在小地盘上做广告!!!! 呵呵, 对于所有上CHICTOPIA上注册并投票给我的朋友, 也请EMILY一并替我表示谢意!!!! 太爱你们了!
谢谢EMILY!!!! 老实说, 其实我心里没有什么信心可以赢的, 但是已经能入唯还有这么多朋友支持, 我真的比什么都开心!
Thank you my dear friend!
Thank you iva!:D
啊,,,那你玩得开心啊! 你不在的时候我也会很想你的!!! 到时候等看你的相片喽! 么么..
谢谢Belinda, 有了你们的支持, 我一定会更努力的!!!
Thank you Van!!!! Thank you for your vote! that really mean alot to me!
Thank you Ana!!! I am so glad to have you as friend:)
Thank you Winnie! thank you so much!!!! P.S. you have beautiful style too, and I love it!
同意最后一句话, “好穿 哦!”, 呵呵
Thank you Delaney, I visited your blog, you are beautiful, your blog is beautiful, lovely!:D
Ahhh, this is sooo amazing, Hallie!!! I’m so proud of you! I know you deserve it more than anyone else and I really really wish that you’ll be the winner! <3 I hadn't logged in Chictopia in aaages! But I'm happy that I didn't delete my account, because I couldn't vote you otherwise.. Omgosh, you know how much I love NY! So there's another reason that I wish you'll be the winner: the pics from NY you'll take lol! I'm crossing my fingers for you, Hal!! <3 <3
Btw, love this outfit! It's perfect from your top of your head till your pinky toe!
P.S. We can vote only once or I'll be able to vote tomorrow as well?
哈哈哈 必须支持啊 Hallie的这件衣服我也有 不过是红色的~~
谢谢亲爱的IVY!!!!! 就知道IVY也会支持我的!
呀, 这么多人有了这条裙子, 大家哪天聚会的时候, 可以成队服啦, 哈哈!!!!
谢谢亲爱的SUE, 你对我的愿望也是我对你的愿望哦, 大家一起走得更幸福!!!!
关于这裙子, 我怎么不觉得后面有什么问题啊? 而且这裙子感觉 前面后面都一样的呢? 哈哈, 下回我仔细瞧瞧看…
这裙子剪材不错的, 而且便宜, 别退了, 秋冬天的时候, 还可以在外国加皮衣或西装或大衣….反正可装性我觉得挺强的 :))
Thank you Demy!!!! though I don’t think I could win this time, there are so many other awesome nominates, I am feeling beyond honored to be including!!!!
But I believe one day I will go to see NY fashion week, or Paris, or Milan, who knows ,,, hehehe…
P.S. I think every member can only vote once, vote by your heart Demy, no matter who you vote, I will be very happy and still love you, VERY MUCH!!!! <3
Come on! Have faith! I do believe you can win! And I did vote for you of course! I’ll try to vote today as well to make sure we can vote only once! Crossing my fingers!
These photos are breathtaking Hallie! Did you switch cameras or is your husband just getting more talented when taking photos? hahhaa I hope the French restaurant was good- I can’t wait to go to NY and eat at Balthazar. And yes if you win, do go there!
呵呵, 我知道了, 你的那是新款吧!!!后面露空的,嘻嘻
Hahaha,,,Thank you Demy!!!! I still don’t think I could win, hahaha,,,anyway, I have to thanks to all friends who voted for me,,,and YOU! of course!!!!! I am crossing my fingers too, but I am still taking it easy, if things come, it will come naturally:D
这个票一定的投。支持你hallie ~~