Can we still wear leather in the Summer? My answer is YES! Of course Summer isn’t really the right time to bust out top-to-bottom biker chic, but a few leather pieces here and there can work no matter what the weather is. Agree?
The other day I wasn’t planning to shop at H&M’s summer sale. But after I saw these leather shorts, I didn’t hesitate to grab them, for 50% off the price. I really think it’s a great find for every season.
Don’t forget to check out $100 Romwe Shopping Freebies —-Giveaway! .
Zara Jumper
H&M leather shorts
J.Campbell Lita
CCSky Bag
H&M Sunnies
Forever21 Leopard cross necklace
YSL ring
I definitely wear my faux leather vest in the summer, don’t know if I’d be able to do shorts though! Just a little too hot!
Shasie of Live Life in Style
Wrinkle In Time Vintage Giveaway
所以说你们那里的天气好呢, 羡慕啊, 夏天回南宁可千万别带这条皮裤和毛衣哦, 会出痱子的, 嘿嘿…
嘿嘿, 所以不敢夏天回去, 秋冬天回去吧:) 希望是今年!
是啊, 呵呵,,,,秋冬天的时候里面就穿双丝袜.或毛袜 ^^
可能还是气候的问题吧, 这边虽然也是夏天, 不过不是那种很闷的热, 只是太阳下气温比较高, 阴凉处还是很宜人的…
RB要给他另外出相册了, 呵呵, 他的Q相片太多, 怕他抢镜.
呵呵, 我以前也经常有这种毛病, 看到别人穿着好看, 当时没买就觉得特别后悔, 后来现在想通啦, 当时没买就是觉得可能不太适合自己. 所以别后悔啦, 还是专心热爱那种自己”一见钟情”的东东吧…
I couldn’t agree more !!! Gorgeous!
Of course we can wear leather cause it feels like October outside:-S And because you have amazing leather shorts!I wore leather skirt today;)
Hiii! I had my laptop fixed (and of course it’s a female, lol! I have to find her a groom :P), so I won’t be late on commenting again. I really love leather. At least, I love seeing it on others, but I’ve never wore something leather, no matter how beautiful I think it is. But these shorts are super super gorgeous! They’re amazing! The color is so preeeettyyy! And the top, and the Litas, and these awesome necklaces!! Just WOW!!! WOW!!! You look perfect! Aaah, one of my very favorite looks!
This is the first look I added in it!
Aaanyway, I’ll create everything again 

Unfortunately, all my files were deleted when my laptop broke down, so I have to make my inspirational folder again
How is Red Bear? Missed this little monkey! lol, I sound like I have already met him! Oh well!
See you, Hal!!! Have a nice day <3
I love how you worked all the neutrals with a little gold and the Litas. I always wear leather shorts in this hot hot summer- it’s not suffocating like leather pants or leggings!
No Red Bear today?
对啊, 呵呵, 我就是在想如果我穿着这鞋在街上逛, 会不会太招眼, 呵….
不好意思, 我也联系了她几次, 都没见她回复, 我也搞不清楚她那边是什么状况….
oh, so glad SHE been fixed,,,lol…And sorry for all your inspirational folder disappeared! I have those folder too, and I have to deleted some with the time passed by or when new inspiration photos come, other wise it will be too much and will confused me sometimes:D
The little monkey has a new haircut couple days ago (by me), so I was going to make a single post for him:)
That’s the most amazing denim top I have ever seen… LOVE it!
啊? 只是路过吗? 不来了吗? 呵呵