Summer is almost here…the sunset is getting later and later,,,
we were having a good time enjoy the happy hour in the restaurant near the air port at Friday night.
H&M Crochet top/Cuff
Work Custom Jeans
Vintage Hat
Necklace, gifted by my hubby from St’ Lucia
Asos Ring(left hand)
H&M ring(right hand)
呵呵呵呵~~~~又坐沙發了!!!真好坐啊!!! 哈哈
感覺喇o八褲就是跟你很對調!!喜美!! 我穿應該不好看….
I LOVE this look!!fantastic!!!! graceful in style!!!
I love that top so much! So boho. I’m following you on Bloglovin’ now. Can’t wait to see more inspiring outfits.
Thanks Kate, you are so sweet, I love your website and style too, so beautiful…
Thanks so much for this comment, you are so sweet:)
Ok, I am going to tell my hubby about the “well done” part, to encourage him to do work without complaining…(he never did):D,
I am a model, yes, within my family…hahah….Thanks Demy, love you and hope you have a great weekend there!
哈哈, 其实就是象一般的假发, 后面有些小别针的…别上去就好, 但是我总弄不好, 所以才用围巾扎上固定, 要不风一穿肯定完 蛋了.
可惜就是这喇叭裤太长了, 我老公照相的时候老在问, 你的鞋子呢? 要不要给你的鞋子特定, 我说不用, 反正又看不到.哈哈.
你的身材那么好, 我相信你是穿什么都会好看的:)
哇, 你们那里真的是很暖了呢!都可以露肉肉啦, 嘻嘻。 我们这周末又套上大衣了, 这不是挑逗我嘛! 哈哈
呵呵,,..我昨天刚想再带这手箍的时候, 忽然想起我这段时间戴了这个手箍几次了, 所以又放下了.^^
主要是这条裤子比较长, 然后又穿了很高的高跟鞋, 一下子就显得很高了….呵呵…
看到你的穿大方的相片了, 很美的说! 我的大衣已经收藏起来喽, 肯定是用不上了…不是挑逗你, 是吸引你过来^^