Sunday Beach Dinner

To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.  ~Barbara Bush

How was your weekend, my dear friend, our weekend was all about the family being together as always. At Sunday night, we went to a Italian restaurant   C & O Trattoria at the beach, enjoy the beautiful sunset view in the beach after a big delicious dinner. Hope you enjoy these photos!

Endless free garlic bread serve after you sit down.

I am not a bread person, but I ate 5 of them this night, OMG!

?Dead fishes there!” Red Bear said.

Fish of the night—Salmon

My hubby asked”What’s that for”, I said” it’s for the romantic vibe”

Life Guard off -duty

The pier

I was wearing Free People Sweater, American Apparel Nude Sheer Shirt, H&M Skinny Jeans, ASH Shoes, Bally Bag, Forever21 Feather Necklace, H&M red bug ring , and forever21 gold and diamond ring.

27 thoughts on “Sunday Beach Dinner

  1. I love the color palette and textures of your outfit (compliments Little Bear’s). The sheer top with a chunky sweater is the perfect balance. Are your skinny jeans, a current H&M purchase? I want it. The scenery photos set the right tone. Beautiful!
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  2. Tis is seriously wayyy too cute:D
    Great images….esp like the one with the guy 😉 And red bear is choooooo cuuuteee!!!! I know i’ve said these like a million times.^–^
    Are you ever un-chic ??? haha..

  3. 好休闲好浪漫哦。一家人的快乐时光。RB一定玩得很开心啦。又可以赤脚玩沙子。

  4. 妳好細心喔,每個人的留言妳都會仔細的回覆,真貼心~

  5. 好开心的周末啊!很喜欢这组照片,很专业!还有美味的大餐,你就好好享受吧,不要有罪恶感。

  6. ” it’s for the romantic vibe”

  7. 🙂 Hallie!! I’m happy you had an amazing weekend! I went to the beach too (although I was wearing a swimsuit, because it’s really hot here), but you know, it’s still exam period, so I had to leave early 🙁 Aaanyway, you look as stunning as ever, no need to repeat myself every single time, because I love all of your outfits! These colors though are really flattering on you!
    I really love this picture that you’re on the pier and Red Bear is doing his stuff behind hahahah! I couldn’t stop laughing, he’s soooo cuuuute! And his denim chucks rooock! Plus, the food looks delish (wouldn’t say the same about the ‘dead fish’ though hahahhaha! Gotta love Red Bear! :)) Oh and the last picture is so beautiful, the way the sun rays come through the clouds is amazing.
    I’m off! Take care! <3

  8. WOW,I´m so happy that you had a nice weekend! I love all the photoes,so beautiful! You look pretty,Hallie!
    The sweater is really cool.
    The last photo is amazing!

  9. 其实你每天可以抽时间去照像然后再放上电脑.真的很难得.这种爱好其实也很好.可以让自己每天都那样漂亮.哈哈.我也想照那么多漂亮的照片然后也放进博.但是真没那样的时间同精力呀.有时间就想睡觉.哈.所以越来越敬佩你啦.哈

  10. Love these photos- especially the one of you carrying Red Bear’s sneakers and your stilettos. I like the layering combo with the thick sweater, dress shirt peaking out and the orange skinnies in tans and oranges! Alas this is looking like a winter look for Hong Kong- I won’t be able to wear such a combo till Dec/Jan 🙁


  11. I know, the weather here recently have been so nice but weird, we really wish it can be warm up so that we can use the swimming pool, sigh…anyway, the weather is still nice so no more complaining:D

  12. 我也想睡觉啊, 呵呵,可是RB不睡啊,他在玩的时候, 我不就照相喽:D
    其实这事情也是一种态度吧, 一种生活的态度.

  13. hehehe…..I like them too , but for another reason, easy to put on and off:D

  14. wow…I would like to see you wear bikini in the beach, hahah…I am glad you still can enjoy some beach fun in the exam period, wish you can get more fun after the exams…and get a good score! I know you will:D
    weather here have been very nice but weird, Is it the Summer? hahah…

  15. 对啊, 我记得你说过你老公经常出差的,现在还是一样吗?知道你们的端午节过得开心我也很开心呢:)
    功夫熊猫还没看呢, 估计也不会去影院看, 应该是在家里看吧^^到时咱们再交流

  16. 呵呵, 小欣妈咪过奖了,因为大家都花时间给我写留言,所以我有时间也会尽量回复大家:)
    其实我也不太喜欢看划龙舟的,因为1.人多, 2.只能看个头或尾,又没办法全程跑着看. 哈哈...说白了就是去看热闹的...
    不过听你说的, 你们全家也过得蛮温馨的呀^^

  17. 玩过后, RB就说了句: I like beach:D, 呵呵很由衷的啵.

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