Sunny Sunday

Hi my dear friends, how was you weekend? It’s a Memorial Day long weekend for us, most people choose to go travel, we didn’t want to meet the crowd, so most of the time we were just stay home, have fun in Red Bear’s home park, and went to watch a Memorial Day Parade in Los Angeles. Will post some pictures from the Parade later. 😀

Vintage Sweater

Levi’s Denim Short

H&M Crochet Tank

Jeffrey Campbell Wedges

Be & D Denim Bag

Vintage Bracelet

AJ Morgan Pink frame Sunglasses

Forever21 Rings

28 thoughts on “Sunny Sunday

  1. 哈嚕,妳好!我非常喜歡妳喔!!!

  2. Memorial Day?? I googled it. I realise I hardly know a thing about American festivities! It’s so weird that we’re so different! I know what it’s all about though thanks to Wikipedia lol! I’d really like to see pics from the parade! Things like that fascinate me! And as for the outfits, you and Red Bear look extra stylish in stripes 😀 The sweater is so beautiful, a real work of art! Well, vintage! 😀 Love the shorts and the shoes and the sunnies, everything! You’re a goddess! 😀

  3. AND I really like the way your lace top Here adorns your “Vavavoooooom-icious” denim shorts on such an exquisite aura Dear !!! “Sensuous Casualness twisted by a refined hint of Glam” …

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  4. 买了许久了, 当初在YOKA还写过博文拍有相片的, 嘻嘻….现在看来已经是陈年往事喽…

  5. Oh, yeah, before I moved to the USA here, I didn’t really know the festivities here either, same thing I know nothing about the Greece Festivities there now…I am waiting for you start your own blog again, and tell me more about the Greece life…:)

  6. 谢谢小欣妈咪的喜欢, 希望常来常留言, 大家多多交流的好:D

  7. 嘻嘻, 还别说, 这墨镜是特别显年轻呢…看来以后选墨镜还得多注意…

  8. 呵呵, 谢谢SUE的喜欢哦….我也好喜欢这墨镜来着, 又不贵…

  9. 这一身,时尚,热辣。RB是不是要上幼儿园了,今天看他的照片,猛然发现他都是小伙子了。

  10. 对的啊, 现在已经开始找私家学校了. 关键问题是他现在还不会自己上厕厕, 烦....

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