
Many thanks to Chictopia’s editors for putting my picture in the front page again??

and more thanks to my dearest husband to correct my writing about the St.Patrick’s day:)?love you so much!

14 thoughts on “Thanks

  1. 嗯嗯,今天晚上他出差,出差前还专门去中国市场帮我买了叉烧和烧鸡回来,说是够我吃一个星期的,感动死我....

  2. HA! See???? I TOLD YAAAA!!!!! 😀 😀 Congrats! 🙂 This is so amazing and I guess it’s a beautiful feeling! 🙂 You SO deserve it, and I’m sure that every outfit you put together is gonna get on Chictopia’s frontpage! 🙂

  3. 为你开心啊!你老公真细心,爱渗透在点点滴滴,是因为你既可爱又善良!

  4. 昨晚他出发前还特意帮我给我的自行车充气, ~~~~~现在都已经开始想他了….555555555555

  5. YA! Thank you again:) and yes, that’s a beautiful feeling to be on the frontpage, but more beautiful feelings is to read nice comment from my dearest friend like you:)

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