Thanks Santa!

Remember I got one Lanvin For H&M dress yesterday? the store forgot to take the alarm pin off the dress, so I went to another H&M store and try to take it off, but I got more luck, there are more Lanvin for H&M return items there! So I got one more dress, one glove, and one pair of shoes! I think I have got all the return items there except one Tee shirt that wearing by one sale man, haha,,,I did asking him to take it off ! ^^

P.S. I promise to clean the mirror before I take picture next time if I have to use this mirror again. lol…

24 thoughts on “Thanks Santa!

  1. 哇!又一套!幸运呀!还是你的码,鞋子手套绝对是赚到啦!裙子好看是好看,不过这裙子你要什么时候穿呢?实用性不高吧, 嘻嘻。 别怪我泼冷水哦, 嘻嘻。

  2. WA 当初我就特别惦记这双鞋,真的好幸运啊。。裙子好看是好看,穿的机会少。但是女人好象 都有这样的公主情节。我也有类似的,商标都还在呢,没机会穿。太烦琐了。。

  3. 我们这不是临近圣诞和新年了嘛,应该穿的机会还有那么两三回的啦,嘻嘻...


  4. 呵呵,是很开心呢,因为觉得都已经不会再得到的东西就这样又轻而易举的拿到了.那句古话还真应验了,是你的终究还是你的.

  5. 嗯,一直以来我都觉得其实我穿红色其实挺好看的,但是每次买衣服都去看黑灰白,呵呵...

  6. 呵呵,娃娃好说有看到店里有退的款呢,连她当时抢到的那条都退了,我现在不就捡人家不要的货喽,呵呵...

  7. 呵呵,JIE加油!我想不光Santa, 还有各路的神仙们都在暗暗的保佑着你,说不定哪天就会给你惊喜的哦!^^

  8. 这条裙子不是我的码哦,是10号,我在两边自己用针线缝了一下,好象也过得去,呵呵,我主要是太喜欢这颜色了,圣诞和元旦我们会有一些活动,我就等着穿了,至于过了节日后什么时候穿,到时候再说吧,哈哈...

  9. 这条裙子简直就是大爱呢 呵呵 Hallie很有福气抢到了呢 鞋子也是我爱的不得了 哈哈 恭喜Hallie啦~~~~

  10. BTW, Hallie, Gap is on sale for 30% off, the dress I got was 19.99 and then took 30% addition, so it was 15 something after AR tax! Have you ever been to D-A-S-H, I was wondering if they carry good stuff there. I like Kardashian a lot!

  11. I watch Kardashian real show once a while, but I can live without it,,,haha….so about DASH, I heard about it, but never go there, it’s just so many shopping options around….
    $15 for a dress?? OMG, I can’t believe it, you really have to take some pictures and show JMS here….lol

  12. 谢谢IVY啦,你能抢到的T才是我的最爱呢!!!!你是该兴奋呢,呵呵,我都替你高兴啦!

  13. 嘻嘻,我裙子我在另一家发现了我的号,所以退掉了原来的10号,现在已经是完美的了^^

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