The Happy Moment

The Moment that is going to be in my memory forever…

24 thoughts on “The Happy Moment

  1. Hi, I just stumble on your blog/website. It is really cool; I too am a young mom, I spent so much time on the wed since my socialising days have become numbered! Blogging inspires me to get out there and do things. I’ve added you on my blogroll – this is not an obligation for you to add me (seriously). just showing you some love.

  2. Thank you so much, my dear, I really appreciate your comment here. Cheering for being fashion lover/and Mom at the same time!!! We love, and we spread love!!! Keep going! I know we will have more fun and love!!

  3. What a beautiful scenes!!! A lovely,sweety boy,and a brilliant Mom.I love your hairdo,i repented having cut my hair ……

  4. 好象都是外国朋友哦。我是中文第一个呢。英文烂,就不出声啦,母子俩真幸福。哪天让爸爸也加入,看着你们一家人的幸福照。。呵。

  5. <3 <3 <3 Red Bear and momma Hallie! Omgosh! *_* So gorgeous pics! You should frame them, seriously! This last one is sooooooooooo cute!!! You have an amazing family 🙂 My cute cute baby Red Bear 🙂 I really really love him! 🙂 Hugs and kisses 😀

  6. Demy, I am so happy here by just reading your comments, I know you wouldn’t active in Chictopia , but it’s my honor to see you here:)
    I am really really happy right now:) Thank you so much!

  7. 嘻嘻, 等以后家里装修好了, 一定挂出来, 只是太多很漂亮的相片,真不知道怎么选了:)

  8. 呵呵, 其实是现在我跟他天天晚上讲白雪公主的故事, 最后是王子亲吻了白雪公主救活了她, 所以那天我就跟他说白雪公主需要他的亲吻, 这样才能活下来:)

  9. SUE的英文也不错呀, 嘻嘻, 那天不是也英文留言了吗? 以后多试试呀,

  10. 怕写出来后别人看不懂哦。最担心就语法和词汇。都还给老师了。向Hallie和RB请教一下,看来可以妈妈教妈妈,RB教YY啦。呵。。

  11. 请教啥呀, 我的英语也是麻麻地的, 咱们互相学习得了^^…小朋友学得可就快了…

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