The Home Park

Ok! Finally we got Red Bear’s birthday gift set up! It took us (me and my hubby ) about 20 hours hard work, now we all have a sore back and I have almost every nails broke, but look at how happy Red Bear is while he playing. It really worth it!

Happy Children’s Day, everyone! 😀

Just in case somebody might ask if Red Bear ever help when we were building the home park, yes, he did, in this way:)—- busy around  like a bee and being cute

And of course, our dog Dino(in the 1st picture) and Seuss(the 2nd picture) help too:)

30 thoughts on “The Home Park

  1. 哇!好棒的生日礼物啊!RB笑得那么灿烂!你和你老公好能干啊,这么大的工程都能搞定!

  2. 哗。我看到都很开心哦。可想RB啦。要是我家YY也可以玩就好,他也很开心的。好象我们这边没有这个呢。这样就可以每天在公园一样哦。Hallie和你家LG好厉害哦。而且很伟大的。可以一家人都在这玩呢。

  3. :O :O :O :O !!!!!!!!! I’m speechless!!! This is…gorgeous, to say the least! You guys are awesome, this is the best birthday gift ever! I’m sure that all the hours of hard working were well worth it, because Red Bear is so happy now 🙂 Such a cute baby! I think that he’s one of the cutest little boys I’ve ever seen! <3 And your dogs are soooooooo amazing! I really love dogs, especially the big ones, because you can hug them and pet them! They're amazing! And Beethoven sized hahah! 😀 Whatever 😛 You are the best parents! Red Bear will appreciate it, when he'll be able to understand it 🙂

  4. ohhhhhhhh…..I’d like one for me too!:p That’s a paradise for RB! You did a good job!

  5. hahaha,,,maybe one day, you will can get one for your kids….:)and you both will love it:)

  6. 私人沙滩? 哈哈,,,亲爱的, 你这新发明的名词好搞笑….

  7. Yes, Red Bear is one of cutest little boy, but don’t forget he is one of the pain in the axx boy also..hahaha,,,,,so love him or hate him…that’s one thing I have to decide every day:D
    I love dogs too, I used to have little dog, then I want the big dogs, and now I want to have little dogs again, maybe after these two big dogs:D we will see.

    Do you have any pets?

  8. 就是啊, 要是RB有个伴, 比如能和YY一起玩就好 , 有时候看着他一个人玩, 也觉得蛮孤单的…

  9. 看看家女儿的礼物也不错嘛,,,啥时我也可以开始可以买BARBIE唷…汗…

  10. hahah….at the end of the night, my hubby said to me…we have a lion at home!!! hahah,,,that I knew he read your comments 😀

  11. 对,小朋友还是有伴才好,无论相处,交际都可以学习到的,看来Hallie的计划要快点实行啦。再添个宝宝和RB一齐玩,YEAH。。

  12. RB好幸福哦!!!连我都羡慕了^^. 他才三岁生日就有了个那么漂亮的小乐园了,那不是很快就能拥有别墅了?嘻嘻。。。。。。记得留一间房给姨哦!

  13. 哇哇哇~~~原來生日禮物是這份呀~~~好棒呀~~~RB真幸福 🙂
    在外國就有這好處, 小孩子有多點活動空間, 這裡呀, 我朋友的小孩都只懂玩電動, 很不健康, 當然父母的教導也很重要

  14. Yeeeess!! I have two dogs, Sevah and Bruno! And I used to have a bird, Kitsos, but it was killed by an owl 🙁 Poor bird 🙁 It was really old though, so… Anyway, pets are amazing, I looooooove them 🙂 And I want to get a snake or an iguana!! 😀

  15. 那还不快啊,好期待小Hony啊!一定被你捯饬得像洋娃娃。

  16. Oh, Demy,,sorry to hear you lost your bird!but please don’t get a snake or a rat as your pet!!! I hate them….hahah…:D

  17. 可不是嘛,现在的小朋友是越来越幸福啦!我估计RB再大点也会玩电玩的, 估计是我也一起玩的那种,哈哈,我是一玩电玩就会上瘾的那种,!:D

  18. 哈哈,别墅啊,如果有的话, 我这当妈的一定得先享受享受:D

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