The Huntsman Story

When Amy (one of the editors at Chictopia) wrote me an email and tell me about the SWATH [“Snow White and the Huntsman,” in other words] Contest in Chictopia and encouraged me to join in, my first thinking was like : “Oh-oh! We haven’t been out to see a movie in a long time (about 3 years) because of our little “wild” Red Bear — where am I going to get the inspiration?”

Then I discussed that with Bob (who is my other part in life and my blog) if we need to go see the movie. Bob has this point though: “Do you have to be inspired by this new movie, or can it be from the original story as well?” .

And now I got the point to do a post without going to see the movie (I am not saying I don’t like that movie, but for our situation, it’s really good to watch the DVD at home when it’s available), and I am going to tell you my Huntsman Story.

Why do I choose to be a huntsman?
1. We get confused most of time when Red Bear and I make up a bedtime story involving a prince/princess/queen/king.  He likes to make me the princess while he is the prince, and sometimes, I want to correct him that I am a queen instead. At his age, he doesn’t get the idea of different generations clearly.  So, by being a huntsman, nobody could get confused again 🙂

2. We found this special field the other day after having dinner with RB’s Grandpa.  It belongs to the Gateway Church {in Agoura, California) if you are curious. And this specific place really matched up with my earthy-tone outfits (sort of hunting colors)

In my Huntsman’s story, she finally found her love and lived happily ever after with the little Prince (and his daddy, too, of course!) . The End.

Sorry, not really the end yet!  About the contest, you can come here to look at all the entries in Chictopia?and all the information too, and I will really appreciate if you can vote / add my picture as your favorite here. Don’t worry, if you vote for somebody else. We all know there are lot of awesome Queen/Snow White/Huntsman out there! 😀



American Apparel Nude Shirt, H&M suedelooked shirt(old),

Skirt (no brand, I bough it when I was in China at March), Rag and Bone hat, ASOS Sunglasses

7 thoughts on “The Huntsman Story

  1. Aww this is so awesome! Thank God I didn’t delete my Chictopia account! I already voted for you and I wish you good luck 🙂 You deserve to be the winner, because you embody the spirit of the huntsman in the greatest way. I think that this character suits you best, because you’re a person full of energy and you protect your family, and…well…you’re as pretty as Chris Hemsworth (who plays the huntsman in the movie and on whom I have a huuuge crash!) 😛 Totally love this skirt though, it’s such a special and weird piece. Also the hat and the glasses are amazing! I really wish that you win <3 :*

  2. 哇,好有趣的活動啊!用電影來玩搭配,挺新鮮的:D


  3. I heard the movie isn´t that good. So you probably won´t miss much. I wanted to vote for you but I don´t have a chictopia account 🙁 . Hope you´re going to win. Good luck to you 😀

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