The New Shoes

Finally have my new babies for a walk—in the park. :(You know, the park part was just for Red Bear:)

I have been obsessed yellow with leopard print trend  for a while, haven’t really try it. For not to look too risky, I try a yellow top and a leopard print clutch today, do you like it?

River Island leather pants

Theysken’s Theory Wedges

Vintage yellow top/black cardigan

Asos Sunnis/Leopard Print clutch

36 thoughts on “The New Shoes

  1. Hi Hillie! Your shoes is a scandal!
    I love the combination of yellow and black, I think it’s very chic!
    His son is a very very beautiful! God bless him with good health and protection!
    Kisses ~.~
    Your fan from Brazil!

  2. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 You’re amazing! How many times will I tell this? 😀 Gorgeous! The shoes aaaaahh! As I told, THEY.ARE.FREAKING.KILLING.MY.RETINAS.WITH.THEIR.BEAUTY!!!!! Phew, here it is, I said it, now I can relax and dream these babies! 😀 I really love the way you styled them, actually! You do rock these pants and the top, they’re like they were made for you. And the clutch is perfect! I really love clutches, but usually I hate that they are too small, so this one is the perfect clutch, the size is awesome and hands down for leo print! 😀 You look awesome and gorgeous and flawless like always 😀
    Oh and Red Bear! He is soooo cuuuute! <3 <3 cute! His booties are beautiful 😀

  3. Thanks Demy,

    Yes this clutch is super big! in fact, I have to put some plastic bags inside after putting all my stuff in, to make it looks full. 😀

    Red Bear’s booties is getting smaller, they don’t fit Red Bear anymore…maybe I should put them in “Red Bear’s Clothset museum” soon:)

  4. 黄色好清新的感觉。。很喜欢哦。Hallie厉害,搭配出来的衣服真的是太漂亮了。

  5. 都市潮人哦!这双鞋子显得腿很长,Hallie瞬间高了好多哦!哈哈,鞋跟有多高啊?

  6. 我回来啦。。。。

  7. 黄色配豹纹被Hallie搭配的确实很美,可见Hallie的搭配功底非同一般,不但要见得多还得多尝试才能有这种功底··支持下··(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

  8. 我觉得2个颜色搭配得很好啊。现在发现我都没有黄色的上衣或者裤子,将这个列入SHOPPING LIST里。

  9. Gorgeous!!!!!Flawless!!!! You are just as the model in my mind,while i’m running on the runing machine and thinking about you,I say to myself that I can do it!!! I am making the “operation of Bikini” for the Summer(.jeje ,I’m slimming:P)
    Red Bear is biger everyday….

  10. 親愛的你回來啦:)
    新鞋子好漂亮!! 穿回高跟拍照是不是特別爽呢? 哈哈~我也是穿起平底拍照總是不自在的….
    你們出遊的相片好漂亮啊!! 好relax對吧? RB現在的動靜愈來愈像大人了!! 哈

  11. 回来两三天了, 呵呵...穿回高跟鞋拍照感觉腰都直了许多, 哈哈...

  12. Oh My, now I feel so bad that I haven’t do exercise for so long time! You remind me that I should get back to my diet schedule and park-walk schedule….oh, wait…we will have a big dinner tonight, let’s wait to tomorrow then…lol….

  13. 天气热点配裙子穿, 这几天我们这下雨还冷, 昨天晚上居然还要开暖气...奇怪的五月天:)

  14. 哇 , COCO还有shopping list的, 是不是每次购物前都会有个清单,这样就不会盲目消费?^^

  15. 哪里哪里, 亲爱的过奖啦!不过我听起来怎么这么眼耳呢, 哈哈...

  16. 但是那天还被老公闷闷的说了一句:这个妈妈又穿黑色了...晕....

  17. JIE回来了真是太让我开心啦^^

  18. 鞋跟有多高?额,4-5寸吧,呵呵....增高鞋...

  19. SUE过奖了哦!我是天天在大家的鼓励中学习, 时不时进步一下下.哈哈...

  20. 这一段时间要好好整理公事和私事啦,比较累,还是休整阶段。生意的事可能要暂时搁置一下了,因为此次韩国之行让我的工作(公事)又有了新的发展和拓展,也许我个人会有可能成为这个客户的中国代理。所以想先抓住现有的机会先试试,毕竟也是客户的建议,有他们这么强大鼎力的支持,我还是对这个比较有底的。那边个人的事业也有伙伴在进行着,所以我可以兼顾这里多一些。。。这个说来话好长,有机会好好跟你汇报呀。。呵呵

  21. Well,well,well,Hallie,you are so in love even forgot the Wedding Anniversary!!!!It’s good to hear that you have love in everday,and Happy Wedding Anniversary!!!!!! Be happy together until the end of the time.
    Diet for another day!LOL

  22. Thanks Joanne! You have my best wishes too!
    And yes, Diet for Another day, lol…

  23. 亲爱的JIE,你太厉害了啊,公事私事双丰收的!真太替你高兴!!!(我怎么觉得我自己都自豪起来了, 呵呵)

  24. 我觉得最能控制欲望的是不带信用卡, 只带现金, 用完了, 想买也想不了了, 那欲望再强烈也没有办法, 哈哈,我的亲身体会.

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