The Ruffles Party

This is the perfect season in L.A. because we still can wear summer dresses with bare legs, and it wouldn’t bother you if you want to add a jacket or sweater.  Just perfect!


White Sands dress( c/o), Anthropologie Trench(old, similar here)

Zara Bag(old), Charlie David Pumps(similar here and here)

Karen Walker Sunglasses

Necklace: Vintage and H&M


10 thoughts on “The Ruffles Party

  1. 2條項鍊的層疊,很吸睛!讓人想不注意都難!

  2. Lucky you to be living in L.A! I wouldn’t mind cooler temperatures as much if at least it wouldn’t be wet all the time…
    Enough jealousy:) Loving the way you work with layers, created by the dress naturally, and by the necklaces!

  3. 周末无意撞到这里,便一发不可收拾。花了近五个小时,仔细看了你很多博客。很喜欢你的穿衣风格!虽然不舍得买很多漂亮的衣服鞋子和包包,但还是会偶尔宠一下自己。

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