The Scarf

Here I am, use this scarf again, you saw last time I wore it as a headband and another time as a layer, I can’t wait to show you more ways I style it:D

The orange tunic I found in a thrift store, it’s so sheer, could be use as cover up for the bikini in the beach, but I love this color that much and want to wear it as a dress.

2nd picture use as a headband you can see the whole outfits here

 3rd picture use as a layer, you can see the whole outfits here

 Zara scarf/denim shirt

Levi’s Boyfriend Jeans

Thrifted Tunic/purse

H&M heels/sunglasses

18 thoughts on “The Scarf

  1. 太有气场了,但是今天没有看到小可爱啊,难道又去采花来的,哈哈!

  2. 😀 Hii!! Only YOU can style in so many different ways a scarf! And it looks perfect every time! You are awesome, really awesome! I really love the color of the shirt, it’s happyyyy 😀 And the shoes <3 BEAUTIES!!!! Amazing color! Great sunnies as well! If I ever have money to buy GOOD sunnies, I think that I'll choose this shape…. It's so pretty 🙂 And it suits you 😀

    Bye bye! 😀 😀 Kisses! 😀

  3. Thanks Demy!:) Always be so kind to me.

    And always so sweet:) Do you like to eat candy? lol…

  4. 我最近也是超喜欢橘色, 我喜欢的是Coral, 我也喜欢这条围巾呢, 颜色好好看!那天在Zara看到最后一条被一人拿在手里, 我就想等她改变主意放下, 等看到她去交钱的时候我就死心了, 嘻嘻。

  5. 不是吧,呵呵,我在我们这边看到好几条呢!嘻嘻.难道我们这边货源比较充足?!

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