4th Of July Holiday–Third Street Promenade

Hooray! We have a long 4th of July weekend, America’s Independence Day.  We had been planning to go to San Diego or Las Vegas for a couple days, but in the end, we decided not to fight the crowds of people traveling for the holiday weekend.  So how are we celebrating the holiday weekend?  We went to nearby Venice Beach for an early
breakfast and strolled at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica at night for the 1st day off. The 2nd day off we are going to have a BBQ around the pool and get our toes wet inside the pool for the first time of the year. Tomorrow we are going to a private golf country club to celebrate the holiday with other friends.  There will be a big
picnic-style dinner,  and fireworks of course.  🙂 Pictures shown today were in 3rd Street Promenade. More pictures coming soon.

Happy 4th of July!

I was wearing H&M dress, Miu Miu bag and shoes.

10 thoughts on “4th Of July Holiday–Third Street Promenade

  1. 我记得去年Hallie一家人去参加了室外的一个草地聚会吧。RB还玩得很开心了,最印象最深刻应该是那围巾,还有红色的裙子。应该没记错吧。又一年,时间真快,今年也是一家人到那里去?期待Hallie的搭配,还有热闹的气氛。

  2. 时间飞逝啊!又是一年的独立日了。前两年的独立日,你的搭配,我还记忆犹新呢!期待你这次的搭配,全家过得愉快哦!

  3. Hallie, hellooo!! Belated Happy 4th of July! 😀 I’m kinda late on commenting, excuse that, but I was in Athens these last days and I didn’t have my laptop with me, so yeah.
    Sounds like an awesome weekend! 😀 I wish we celebrated in Greece as well! hahah! After all it’s America’s birthday lol! 😀 Omgosh, you have no idea how much I want to walk to these (and New York’s) gorgeous streets! It’s magical, so many people wow!
    Anyway, you look stunning in white! This dress is SO pretty. I love that it’s scalloped, it’s sooo cuuute! And generally the whole outfit is classic and kinda Chanel if I may add 😀 Love everything, you’re gorgeous as ever!
    HAHHA I ADORE the picture with Red Bear lol! He is a cutie <3
    Hoping over to the next post 😀

  4. 就是啊, 我也觉得,时间过得真快,再过几个月又是圣诞了呢....谢谢亲爱的祝福!

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