Thrifted Match

Here are some items I found in the “best of the best” event of my last thrift shop.So happy to found this Bally bag and the suede hat, I think they are really match perfectly. There is no label in this dress when I found it in the thrift store, hmmm….how to describe it?  I think it’s sort of like a vintage Free People. It’s made by cotton with ruffled high-low hem.

Curious about how much I paid for these thrifted babies? Bally Bag: , Suede Hat: , Dress:

Looking at Red Bear today, I just can’t believe he is so big now…Where is my little baby? 🙁

Aren’t these babies match each other perfectly?

Thrifted Bally Bag

Thrifted Suede Hat

Thrifted Dress

Urban Outfitters Top

Joie Boots

H&M Sunnies

Aldo ring

28 thoughts on “Thrifted Match

  1. 很配哦。很唯美的长裙,Hallie成了长裙控啦?不过真的很漂亮。裙子拖到地了?RB看得出来真的长大了,小男孩了。我现在也发现YY长大了,很多东西他都知道的,以后也别想随便骗他呢,嘻,他们都聪明得很啦。妈妈都想着小孩快点大,但又有担心和失落感。还是为宝贝骄傲的。。

  2. 哇, 这个长度的裙子HALLIE穿得好好看, 不会踩到吧? 呵呵….我发现RB的眼睛很象现在我带的强生弦闪的隐形眼镜的效果哦, 原来这眼镜是仿RB的啊…..今天又出差不能天天看HALLIE了, 不过能上网时我肯定第一时间就来看看HALLIE的.

  3. 真的很配啊!很舒服很自然的感觉!想要小宝宝就再生一个吧!呵呵!

  4. Hiii!! Another one awesome outfit! I don’t think I need to say that I LOVE this outfit, because of course I do, and of course you gave me again some new ideas! All the finds are awesome and especially this perfect bag! Isn’t it awesome? I love the hat too, I have a similar one, not vintage, but it as the same shape and color. Anyway, you are gorgeous, like always!
    WOW you’re right about Red Bear! He’s getting bigger and bigger! Small children change so fast, it’s amazing to watch them grow up (although I’m sure it’s kinda sad for mommies…) I adore these pics of him! He has such a beautiful face, I could say that he does really look like you! Except for the eyes, they have a weird color. Love love love it! He’s gonna be a heartbreaker 😀
    Kisses kisses 😛

  5. Oh? really? Red Bear looks like me? 😀 That really makes me happy, of course, He is my

    Maybe people have said that he will be a heartbreaker, I don’t know, maybe I should interview every his gf first…lol..then help him to make the decision….dreaming…:D

  6. 会踩到啊, 哈哈, 不过这里干净, 踩到了也看不出来就是了:)
    JACKIE还很潮的, 戴弦闪隐镜, 你试过别的颜色吗?比如兰色? 哈哈….
    最近出差又去哪呀? 又有购物list了没?:)

  7. 嘻嘻, ADA的兰色鞋子搭配上了吗? 有没有张相片SHARE下? 🙂

  8. 对的啊, 那天我还和老公说现在在RB面前说话不能那么随便了, 往常总是调戏他说有个大屁屁大肚子什么的, 现在不敢说了, 怕他在公众面前也这么说就被人笑了. 呵呵…
    确实是失落, 看着小宝宝渐渐长大, 唉…..

  9. I love thirft shop,I like spending time on treasure hunt.jejeje,I always have good time in thirft shops.:P
    Yes,I like your outfit ,especially the dress.
    You know what is my favourite photos in this blog?——-RB,He has beautiful eyes!!!!!!! That’s what i have been waiting to see,the color of his eyes.Excuse me,I know it’s a stupid thing.jejej.I always say to my hubby that in the future ,when we have baby,i hope they come with blues or greens eyes,heheh.So stupid,right?

    Well,another time bla,bla,bla…..I hope you don’t mind !:P

  10. I seriously wish HK had thrift stores. Back when I lived in Toronto I used to go there to get all my clothes because it was so cheap! HK is cheap too but it’s not the same you know? I love that dress- the asymmetrical hemline and the flowiness of it.

    Can you please come to HK and visit???


  11. I know, different cheap:) but I agree that shop in thrift store has more fun:)))
    I am seriously, very seriously want to visit HK ASAP!!!! I will let you know before I can make the trip for sure:)

  12. lol…I had the same wish before we found out what’s RB’s eyes real color, I used to wish it can turn out to be blue or green:)…now his hair even become straight instead of curl as I like. I guess I have to accept what he is right now:)
    I like your bla bla bla time:) it’s always has fun to read your comments:)

  13. i LOVE everything about this outfit! The laid back bohemic chic, the hat, the flowing skirt, the pirate boots, the even cooler than Celine satchel. I have never been a good thrift shopper. Wish we could go shopping together one day 🙂

  14. 扫地裙!嘻嘻。 那天我也是穿了长裙配平底鞋,LG就这么说的, 呵呵。 你现在去Vintage淘来了越来越多的好看宝贝呢!
    其实我们最近去看家具的时候我终于是去看了几家二手店,不过全部空手而归,看来Vintage Shopping现在还真的不是我的菜, 我是什么都买不到, 看的眼都晕了, 还有我觉得Vintage店里都有种Vintage的气味, 我有点受不了, 汗…

  15. Vintage 店是有种那种味道的, 哈哈,所以每次我回来就是全部先放洗衣机,洗一通,出来了就好闻些了,哈哈!!!

  16. Oh, not to mention Celine satchel, they are really gorgeous! So does your Mulberry:)
    How many time I have said that I really want to go shopping with your guys!:) Hopefully that day will come ASAP!:D

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