“To Love”

Wore this to the Cuyana event last night.

Cuyana means “to love” in Quechua, the traditional language of the Andean tribes. The owners travel the world searching for the high quality materials each country has to offer, working with local craftsmen, with their own design, to transform those local textiles and metals into unique, limited-edition accessories.

It was lovely to meet up Cuyana Co-Founders Karla Gallardo(left) and Shilpa Shah(right, in the last picture), and know about their work and dream.

You can check about the brand more here.


I was wearing: Zara floral bomber jacket(recent, another good one here), Bebe Skirt(old, similar leather skirt here and here),

Celine Wedges, Chanel bag, Vintage necklace

7 thoughts on ““To Love”

  1. 一頭漂亮又溫柔的髮絲,真美真迷人~
    見妳手上拿著相機,是在反拍正在拍妳的老公嗎 ^^

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